Chapter 10

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(Your POV)

*Knock knock knock*

"I'll get it!!" I said but when I was a couple steps away from the door Jeff comes over to me and whispers something

"If OffenderMan Offers you a Rose, Decline"Jeff said to me while giving a serious look

You simply nodded and went to Open the door

"Hello ther-Oh I've never seen you before" said the man dressed in a pocka dot suit that seems to be SplendorMan

"Who are you? Where is Slender?" The man with glasses that Seemed to be TrenderMan

"Oh I-I'm (Y/n) and I've been living here for the past couple of days with the CreepyPastas, And Slender is in the kitchen" I said to TrenderMan

"Oh alright I got a little worried for a second" TrenderMan said

"Well come in!" I Said joyfully

The three tall men walked into the mansion and sat down on the huge couch that Slender has

I was about to sit next to SplendorMan since he seemed trustworthy but then I heard someone say

"Hey gorgeous why don't you sit next to me?" OffenderMan Said and winked

I didn't know what to do so I just went to sit next to him

"So..I heard that your name is (Y/n)?" OffenderMan Said

"Yes, (Y/n) is my name" I said while smiling

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" OffenderMan Said while smirking

"Would you like a rose (Y/n)?" OffenderMan Said while getting a rose from his trench coat

"Would you like a rose (Y/n)?" OffenderMan Said while getting a rose from his trench coat

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The rose was so beautiful but my answer was


OffenderMan looked shocked to what I just said

"Oh....okay" OffenderMan Said in a sad tone and put the beautiful red rose back in his trench coat

It was so hard trying not to laugh it was HILARIOUS

*Fast forward to Supper*

Every one was sitting at the table

I was sitting next to Jeff and OffenderMan

I was eating peacefully until I felt something caresses my inner thigh

I look down to see a white tentacle which led to OffenderMan
So I quickly stood up and said

Jeff The Killer X  (girl) Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now