Chapter 7

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(Your POV)
We finally finished eating
I went up to the room me and Jeff shared
And laid down
About 2 minutes after I drifted off, I hear someone calling my name
I opened my eyes to see Jeff tapping me on the shoulder

"Ugh...What Jeff??" I said while I almost dozed off again

"Do you want to go sneak into your old house and get the things you need" Jeff Asked

I jolted out of the bed and said

"Woah I didn't expect you to be so excited!" Jeff said in shock

"Let's go!" I said while running out the bedroom door

I got my shoes on in a inhumanly speed
And waited for Jeff while he slowly made it down the stairs

"What are you my dead grandfather? HURRY THE HELL UP!!" I said while giggling

"Don't rush me!" Jeff gave me a death glare

"S-sorry...Anyway lets go!!" I said

"Slow down and let me get my shoes on!" Jeff said while slowly tying his shoe

'He's purposelessly going slow' I thought to myself

So I bent over and tied his other shoe

"Uh what are you doing (Y/n)?" Jeff asked me

"Duh I'm tying your shoe! What's it look like?" I giggled

Jeff stayed silent

"Okay done! Now let's go!!" I said with a exited tone

Jeff and I started walking to my old house

*at my old house*

I grabbed my big ass suitcase and packed up everything I needed
1.Shirts ✅
2.Pants ✅
3.dresses (cause why not) ✅
4.Underwear ✅
5.bras ✅
6.toothbrush and toothpaste ✅
7.Hair products ✅
8. Makeup ✅
9.Etc ✅

"You almost done?" Jeff said

"Don't rush me!" I said back

" why not?" Jeff said and chuckled

"Because I wasn't allowed to rush you so why should you be allowed to rush me?!" I raised my voice at Jeff

"Did you just raise your voice at me?" Jeff said while giving me a death stare once again

"Yeah so what?"I said sassily to Jeff

He walked closer to me saying
"You don't have a reason to be sassy (Y/n)"

Jeff pinned me against the wall
'He really likes pinning people against walls' I thought to myself

I couldn't move Jeff made it basically impossible


It was my phone that was laying on my old bed

"I should probably answer that" I said to Jeff hinting that he should let me go

.......No response......

"Jeff can you please let me go so I can answer the Text?" I said a little louder

"What? Yeah go ahead" Jeff said while making a way for me to get out

(Jeff's POV)
I let (Y/n) get her phone to respond to whoever it was
'I really Zoned out there didn't I?' I thought to myself
'Maybe because I was pissed that things (BEN) kept interrupting my moments with (Y/n)?' I thought again

'I swear if BEN was the one who texted her' I thought to myself once again

"Oh Its Slender" (Y/n) said as she continued to read the Text out loud

Jeff The Killer X  (girl) Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now