Chapter 2

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(Your POV)
I got home to notice a note on the fridge
"Sorry Hunny I don't get off work till 3:00am Try to make yourself something for supper! ~ Mom" The note said
"Ughhh" I said out loud while getting out a pot to boil some water

And I took out some pasta noodles and sauce
(See what I did there? ;) )
When I was finished eating my meal it was around 4 in the afternoon

So I went upstairs and put my pj's on since I was probably going to stay in bed for the rest of the day, I put on my oversized White t-shirt that just covered most of my ass and black booty shorts.

I jumped on my bed and started to watch (F/y)
( f/y means favourite YouTuber FYI)

*fast forward to 1 am*

Wow I was already watching (F/y) for 9 hours
*Yawn* I should probably go to sleep now
After 30 minutes at staring at the ceiling I finally fell asleep

*fast forward to 3:30 am*
I woke up at 3:30 am to a big thud coming from downstairs, so I got out of bed to see what it was.

As I took slow steps down the creaky stairs
I noticed a trail of blood,Since I'm stupid- (sorry reader I had to no offence 😂 )
-I followed it to only see my dead mother laying on the ground next to that same Tall mysterious figure

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed at the creepy figure

*The figure Laughs and steps closer to me*

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU PRICK!!" I screamed once again at the figure

"Hehe why should I?" The figure said while stepping closer again

I look at the figures face to only notice that it looks like a guy

"Who are you? And why did you kill my Mom?!" I said while a tear went down my face

"I killed your Mom for fun,And the names Jeff,Jeff the Killer" he said while reaching his hand out to shake mine
I refused to shake his hand

"Look I'm trying to be nice" he said while smirking

"No you're not! You are trying to kill me!"
I said while giving him a stern look

"You're a Smart girl,What's your name?" He said while actually looking interested

"(Y/n)" I said while watching his every move

"Well (Y/n) ,I'm not gonna kill you...for now" he said while giggling

"So what are you gonna do until then?" I asked

"Take you to mine and my friends mansion" he said with honesty

"What?!" I said in shock
"Yep,And if you try to Escape from me..." he said while pinning me against the closest wall and putting a blade to my neck

"I won't hesitate killing you" he said while giggling again

"O-ok S-sir" I said while literally getting scared to death

*Police sirens*

"Shit we have to go!" Jeff said while picking me up bridal style which made a shade of pink Appear on my cheeks

Jeff ran into the woods with me in his arms
'He's a fast runner' I thought to myself
"We are here" Jeff said while looking at the woods "Dude what type of drugs are you on?" I said confused
"Oh yeah,Here" Jeff gives me a ring
"What's this for?" I said

"Just put it on you will understand"Jeff said

When I put on the ring I saw a beautiful mansion right in front of me

"Woah" I said while in shock

"Well let's go in before the police find us"

Jeff said while walking in and not holding the door for me which led the door straight to my face

"Ow!" I said while a headache started to form

I looked up to see everyone laughing at me including Jeff

"Did you really think Jeff Would hold the door for you?!" a guy dressed in a link costume said while laughing

"Nooo" I said sarcastically while blushing a little from embarrassment

Everyone kept laughing but even more from my sarcasm

"Anyway" the guy dressed as link said while walking up to me and pinning me against the wall
"My name is BEN" he said while deeply staring into my Eyes

My face turned into 50 shades of red

I looked behind BEN to only see Jeff growing angrier and angrier


"Oh~So Your Name is (Y/n)? Cute name" BEN said while winking

That made my face blood red


"Okay Princess it's time for me to run But I'll talk to you later" he said while he winked and ran away from Jeff dodging every knife that Jeff threw his way

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!??" Said a Tall man dressed in a tuxedo but the the thing that really caught my attention was his no-face face

The faceless man said

Jeff looked at him and said

"Who's (Y/n)?"

"Probably his Girlllfrienddddd" BEN said mockingly

"BEN SHUT THE FUCK UP SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Jeff said While blushing a little bit

I was also blushing because they are talking about ME being HIS GIRLFRIEND

*BEN points to me*

The man turned his head facing me (I think)

"Oh well (Y/n) what did Jeff take you here for?" The faceless man said

"Um..he killed my mom and then there was sirens then he told me he wouldn't hesitate killing me if I tried to run he also said that he wouldn't kill me yet" I said while looking up at the Tall man

"Oh well you are free to stay as long as you don't cause trouble,My Name is SlenderMan but you can Call me Slender or Slendy" SlenderMan Said

"Okay SlenderMan,but where do I sleep?" I said

"Well since we don't have any free rooms and Jeff took you here you will be sleeping in Jeff's bed"

"WHAT??!" Me and Jeff both said

"But SlenderMan Why can't she just sleep on the couch??" Jeff asked

"I'm not letting our Guest sleep on the couch! And that's final!!" SlenderMan said sternly

"Yes SlenderMan" Jeff said while mumbling something

"Okay (Y/n) I'll show you to My room" Jeff sighed

1076 Words not to bad for a first writer 😅
Anyway I'll see you in Chapter 3!

Bye~Bye ! 😊

Jeff The Killer X  (girl) Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now