Chapter 3

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“Looks like the dogs found us” Brody grunted as he tossed full plastic bags at me, settling back in the driver’s seat.

“They’re not dangerous” I told him, watching the four tall boys jump out of the old beaten up truck from behind my sunglasses.

            It was obvious they were sniffing around for us, but were trying to look conspicuous among the other people in the lot. Their auras were glowing brightly with power, the Alpha obvious by the red that surrounded him symbolizing his strength and authoritative energy. They didn’t seem dangerous in their human forms, but looks were deceiving so I’ve learned. Sighing, I got out of the car, approaching them slowly. The tallest one with his blonde hair gelled up eyed me curiously, moving to stand behind the curly haired blonde and the lilac spiked other. That left the Alpha at the front. They formed a natural power stance without even realizing it. How cute.

“Hello” I greeted them, keeping steady eye contact with the dark haired, tanned skinned leader.

“Hi” he replied, looking me over, judging if I was a threat or not.

“I understand we’re in your territory” I began “but we’re here-.”

“Because of the murders, we know” the Alpha nodded, his dark eyes staying locked on mine. “I’m Calum…this is Ashton, Michael, and Luke.”

“Selena…that’s Brody” I replied, pointing at my partner who still sat in the car.

“We want this guy out of our town, he’s already killed two innocents and we don’t need a third” Calum explained.

“Because of the hunters” I nodded, understand.

“Exactly…feel free to help us in any way you can” he stated, crossing his arms over his chest, asserting himself as the sole leader.

“We need a place to stay, away from people who will come poking around” I stated, not falling for his cocky Alpha stunts.

He blinked at me slowly, seeming to pick up on my lack of submission to his tone. I blinked back at him, hoping he’d realize we didn’t concern ourselves with pack customs and that Alpha status meant little to me. “The house next to mine is empty, the owner died a few days ago…I’ll pick the lock and you can stay there.”

            I simply nodded. There was something about this boy. He gave me a feeling that I haven’t experienced in a long time. I admit I felt something as I stood before him. The fact that I didn’t care that he was a werewolf surprised me a bit. I didn’t have much experience with such beings, but you would think that the whole changing from man to beast would be a constant thought in your head when facing these boys.

I felt like Calum was looking at me now the same I was looking at him, as a person defined by characteristics rather than secrets. Even this early in meeting him I felt we had some type of connection, something indescribable and mutual, but good, definitely good.

            I’m not sure what it was exactly, but something in his tone shifted. He didn’t speak to me like he was an Alpha, but more like we were on the same level. I watched him with a steady gaze as he slowly blinked back at me. A small grin broke through my controlled expression.

“We’ll follow you in our car” I stated, before turning around and getting back into the passenger seat of Brody’s classic coupe.

“Following them?” he asked.

I just nodded.

“We’re staying in a dead person’s house” I informed him as we continued down a single road.

He parked in front of the house next to Calum’s. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

            Calum lived in a small Victorian-styled house just on the edge of a forest. The sudden sense of déjà vu came over as I got out of the car, looking up at the similar small Victorian-styled house beside Calum’s. There was about a thirty foot gap between the houses of a few trees, but mostly tall grasses. The four boys jogged over. I noticed another house a short ways down the road as well, looking old and worn from years of occupation.

“There’s another witch who lives just there” Calum told me as Brody got our main bags from the trunk.

“She won’t be much help” I shook my head, going up the steps to the house.

“Oh? And why’s that?” he questioned almost defensively.

            I held my hand over the locked door and used a wordless incantation. The lock clicked quietly and Brody pushed the door open. I turned around, seeing the surprised looks of two of the four boys.

“Because she’s the next victim” I answered, stepping into the dusty house.

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