F*ck Buddies 👊👅 Part IV

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"Girls, come on! Hurry up!" Ally called from the door.

"Alight, I'm coming!" Camila replied while quickly putting on her heels.

"Oh, wait, I forgot my purse!" Normani said while heading back to the living room.

"Let's roll, girls," Dinah said as she walked through the door.

They all rode in a cab and headed towards a club.

"Tonight is the night! After just sitting around your apartment, now is the time to meet someone," Dinah said with full of excitement.

"I don't know. I just want to have fun," Camila replied.

"Come on, it's been three weeks since you've avoided Lauren. Now is the time to find someone so you can totally forget about her," Dinah said.

"Did she try and contact you?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, I got a lot of missed calls and text messages but I deleted all of them" Camila said.

"Good for her. What does she want? Does she expect you to be around all the time whenever she wants?" Normani said.

"I mean, it was kind of our deal," Camila said.

"And you're still defending her?" Normani replied.

Camila sighed.

"Hey, we are here to have fun so we should stop talking about that woman," Ally said. "We should not let anyone ruin girl's night"

After a few minutes, they arrived at the club.

"This is awesome!" Dinah exclaimed as they went inside the club.

Camila wasn't really a big fun of clubs. She likes to dance but being in crowded places wasn't her thing.

"This place is great!" Ally exclaimed. "And loud, wow!"

The place was so loud that they can't even almost hear each other speak.

"Hey, let's dance!" Normani excitedly blurted out. "Camila, you better dance or else."

Normani glared at Camila.

"What? You know I don't like to-"

"Your soulmate might be in here so you should better get your ass on the dance floor," Dinah said.

Camila chuckled and nodded.

"As if I have choice," Camila said as she was being pulled towards the dance floor by Dinah and Normani.

Camila had no plan to stay long but she has been through hell these past few weeks because of Lauren.

She needed this.

She needed something to get her off her mind or else she would go insane, that's for sure.

The crowd was so packed.

They were dancing body to body.

"You go girl!" Normani said while cheering on Dinah who grinding on some guy.

Camila ordered a round of what everyone was drinking. She just wanted to get drunk.

The club had bright lights flashing and it was dark but filled with violet, blue and pink lights.

"Drink up!" Camila said while giving them each a drink.

"Now we're talking!" Dinah said as she took the drink.

They danced and drank all night.

Camila felt glad that she got Lauren out of her mind but then, she thought she saw her from across the dancefloor.

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