Charts and Commands

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Refer to this chapter whenever necessary.

Contents: List of Commands, Hunting Chart, Battle Chart, Foraging Chart, Healing Chart, and Command Details.

List of Commands
(to see what each command does, scroll down to Command Details)

- /Hunt alone
- /Hunt with (1-3 names)
- /Patrol with (3 names)
- /Train battleskill with (name)
- /Train huntingskill with (name)
- /Train foragingskill with (name)
- /Train healingskill with (name)
- /Forage alone
- /Forage with (1-3 names)
- /Heal (patient's name)
- /Breed with (mate's name)
- /Defend
- /Hide
- /Don't eat
- /Rankup to apprentice
- /Rankup to medicine cat apprentice
- /Rankup to (new warrior/medcat name)
- /Play
-/Moonpool (uses two energy)


Hunting Chart

Skill Level 0: catches 0 prey
Skill Level 1: catches 0-1 prey
Skill Level 2: catches 0-2 prey
Skill Level 3: catches 1-2 prey
Skill Level 4: catches 1-3 prey
Skill Level 5: catches 2-3 prey
Partner Bonus: +1 prey for every two cats hunting together


Battle Chart

Skill Level 0: score of 0
Skill Level 1: score of 1-20
Skill Level 2: score of 10-30
Skill Level 3: score of 20-40
Skill Level 4: score of 30-50
Skill Level 5: score of 40-60

Rogues (×3): scores of 15-35
Foxes (×2): scores of 30-50
Badgers (×1): scores of 45-65


Foraging Chart

Skill Level 0: collects 0 herbs
Skill Level 1: collects 0-2 herbs
Skill Level 2: collects 1-2 herbs
Skill Level 3: collects 1-3 herbs
Skill Level 4: collects 2-3 herbs
Skill Level 5: collects 2-4 herbs
Partner Bonus: +1 herbs for every two cats foraging together


Healing Chart
(cumulative; level 2 can also do level 1 things and so on)

Skill Level 0: cannot heal
Skill Level 1: can heal slightly injured (uses 3 herbs)
Skill Level 2: can heal whitecough (uses 4 herbs)
Skill Level 3: can heal injured (uses 5 herbs)
Skill Level 4: can heal greencough (uses 7 herbs)
Skill Level 5: can heal severely injured (uses 10 herbs)


Command Details

/Hunt alone
→Sends your cat hunting. Brings back prey according to HuntingSkill (see Hunting Chart). Only warriors and apprentices can hunt alone. Uses 1 energy.

/Hunt with (1-3 names)
→ Sends your cat hunting with the cats listed, but only after everyone mentioned has replied with the command. Brings back prey according to HuntingSkill (see Hunting Chart). There is a partner bonus for every two cats in the hunting patrol. Only warriors and apprentices can hunt in groups. Uses 1 energy.

/Patrol with (3 names)
Sends your cat on border patrol with 3 other cats, but only after everyone mentioned has replied with the command. Raises the Clan's border strength by 1, and may discover signs of approaching events. Only warriors and apprentices can patrol. Uses 1 energy.

/Train battleskill with (name)
Your cat and the mentioned cat train together to raise the weakest cat's BattleSkill. The higher level is not affected. Only warriors may train together, or a warrior and an apprentice. Cats with equal BattleSkill cannot train together, and an apprentice must have the lower skill. All cats must train twice to raise a Skill by 1 level. Uses 1 energy.

/Train huntingskill with (name)
→ Your cat and the mentioned cat train together to raise the weakest cat's HuntingSkill. The higher level is not affected. Only warriors may train together, or a warrior and an apprentice. Cats with equal HuntingSkill cannot train together, and and apprentice must have the lower skill. All cats must train twice to raise a Skill by 1 level. Uses 1 energy.

/Train foragingskill with (name)
→Your cat and the mentioned cat train together to raise the weakest cat's ForagingSkill. The higher level is not affected. Only medicine cats can train together, or a med and a med apprentice. Cats with equal ForagingSkill cannot train together, and an apprentice must have the lower skill. All cats must train twice to raise a Skill by 1 level. Uses 1 energy.

/Train healingskill with (name)
→Your cat and the mentioned cat train together to raise the weakest cat's HealingSkill. The higher level is not affected. Only medicine cats can train together, or a med and a med apprentice. Cats with equal HealingSkill cannot train together, and an apprentice must have the lower skill. All cats must train twice to raise a Skill by 1 level. Uses 1 energy.

/Forage alone
→ Sends your cat foraging. Brings back herbs according to ForagingSkill (see Foraging Chart). Only medicine cats and med apprentices can forage. Uses 1 energy.

/Forage with (1-3 names)
→ Sends your cat foraging with the cats listed, but only after everyone mentioned has replied with the command. Brings back herbs according to ForagingSkill (see Foraging Chart). There is a partner bonus for every two cats in the foraging patrol. Only medicine cats and med apprentices can forage. Uses 1 energy.

/Heal (patient's name)
→ Heals the mentioned cat's sickness or injury with herbs (see Healing Chart). A patient can only be treated once a day. Only medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices can heal. Uses 1 energy.

/Breed with (mate's name)
→ A tom and a she-cat breed to have kits and bring more players into the game. After the command has been said by both mates, the she-cat changes rank to a queen and loses energy, but the tom remains a warrior. The kits will be born two days later. Warriors AND medicine cats can breed. Uses 1 energy.

→ Sends your cat to fight against enemies attacking the camp. Effectiveness of attack and injury depends on your and your enemy's BattleSkill (see Battle Chart). Only warriors and apprentices can defend. Uses 1 energy.

→Hides your cat during battle and keeps them safe from enemies. Your cat will not be injured while hiding, but also cannot use any other commands. Everyone can hide except the leader. Does not use energy.

/Don't eat
→ Sends your cat to the end of the eating order, but only for the day. If there is not enough food for everyone, your cat will likely not eat, and will be hungry the next day. Does not use energy.

/Rankup to apprentice
→Ranks up your cat from a kit to an apprentice and changes their suffix from -kit to -paw. Only applicable to kits over 6 moons wanting to become warriors. Does not use energy.

/Rankup to medicine cat apprentice
→Ranks up your cat from a kit to a medicine cat apprentice and changes their suffix from -kit to -paw. Only applicable to kits over 6 moons wanting to become medicine cats. Does not use energy.

- /Rankup to (new warrior/medcat name)
→ Ranks up your cat from an apprentice to a warrior, or from a med apprentice to a medicine cat. Changes your suffix from -paw to the specified suffix (prefixes can change as well). Only applicable to apprentices and med apprentices over 12 moons. Does not use energy.

- /Play with (name)
→ Makes your cat play with the other cat. After playing 4 times, your cat will be Level 1 instead of Level 0. Only kits can play with other kits or queens. Uses 1 energy.

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