three › bitter nancy

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“I can’t Luke!” Lani cried to him, “I have school, two jobs to support my dad, and I have to baby sit Leo’s kid since he and Annie are working at night now. I don’t have the time.”

“But Lani,” Luke sighed in disappointment, “We’ve been waiting for this tour for months! I miss you!”

“I miss you too, but Luke, I’m busy now.” Lani sighed, then her phone alarm went on saying it’s time to get ready for work.

“I know, I know,” Luke nodded, “You have to go.”

“I’m so sorry, Hemmings.” Lani apologized, “I’ll talk to you later?”

“Can’t,” Luke answered back harshly, obviously getting annoyed, “I have rehearsal with the lads.”

“God,” I groaned, “Much later then?”

“Maybe,” He gave her a weak smile, trying to make her feel better, “I love you, Lani.”

“Love you too, Luke.” Lani smiled back, and hung up on him.

Time went by, and Lani’s dad is doing just fine. It was a false alarm at the hospital, and her dad is still doing well, just have to take care of his diet. Sadly, he had to quite his job completely since Rachel wanted him to focus on himself from now on. She’s been scarred for life after what happened at the hospital. Saying that, Lani haves to work double to support the family.

Because of all the things going on in Lani’s life, she haves to put the photography job on hold. Like she said, she simply doesn’t have time for it. Lani feels a lot of pressure on herself since she haves a lot of responsibilities. She barely even haves time to talk to Luke due to all of this but Luke is still trying to compromise with her.

Or at least, that’s how it was for a while...

[ half a year later ]

“LANI!!!” Lani heard Natalie calling out for her, and once Lani laid eyes on her, she sees Natalie waving at her with a big smile.

Lani ran towards her, cheering, “NATALIE!!!”

Lani and Natalie started hugging each other as if it felt like forever which was true. Natalie has been going to school in London so leaving Lani far behind with a long distance friendship. Even though the distance was tough and they somewhat faded, they still manage to hold on tight to their friendship.

“Oh my god,” Natalie sighed as she let go of Lani, and squealed, “I can’t believe you’re here!”

“So am I!” Lani jumped also, “How are you? I notice you’re little hair change.”

“I’m doing great! And well,” Natalie flipped her now brown with blonde ombre hair behind her shoulder, smiling proudly, “Change is something you have to do when moving to a new city in a new country.”

“Isn’t that the truth.” Lani agreed with her, and smiled, “Thank you for letting me move in with you. I promise to help you out with the rent and everything.”

“No problem!” Natalie grabbed Lani’s luggages and both started to walk out of the airport, “It’s great to have you here! I hope you’re dad doesn’t mind you being gone.”

“Oh it’s fine!” Lani assured her, “It took a lot of convincing and saving but he finally let me go here to explore a place that he calls home.”

“Is he gonna visit you?”

“Yeah, holidays and such, so he can visit his family here also.”

“I keep forgetting that you’re English.” Natalie chuckled, and Lani laughed with her, nodding, “Yeah, it happens.”

When they went inside the car and started driving towards Natalie’s place, the radio started playing “Amnesia” by 5 Seconds of Summer as a throwback special.

“Uh..” Natalie quickly changed the radio station, “Sorry..”

“Oh it’s fine.” Lani shrugged as she looked out the window, playing it cool even though her heart ached a little bit.

“So,” Natalie said with a soft voice, “I just want to say sorry about the break up. I know it’ must’ve been hard for you, Lani.”

“Um..” Lani sucked in her breathe, and slowly exhaled, “It’s fine. It happened a long time ago, don’t worry about it.”

“But you two really loved each other, and were really a cute couple.”

“Key words, Natalie,” Lani explained, “Were and Loved.”

“Don’t be like that,” Natalie elbowed Lani playfully, and Lani scoffed, “Like what?”

“Being all negative about it.” Natalie told her in a reasonable tone, “Do you at least tried talking to him?”

Lani shook her head, “No, not at all.”

“Of coarse.” Natalie chuckled as she shook her head, “But honestly, you two were really hooked on each other.”

“Were, Natalie, PAST tense.” Lani said bitterly, and Natalie shook her head, “No, are still cause we wouldn’t have this bitter conversation.”

“You’re the one who brought it up!”

“Yeah, but you’re the one being all bitter nancy over here.”

“Whose Nancy?”

“I don’t know,” Natalie shrugged, laughing, “Does there have to be one to prove a point?”

“Yes, so you can actually have a point.” Lani shot at her, and sighed, “Natalie, look, what happened to me and Luke is in the past, and we both moved on from it, okay? I had responsibilities and so did he. We were just too busy for each other.”

“But you always believed that there’s always time for love.” Natalie said in a low voice, and Lani shrugged, “People change, Natalie.”

The two finally made it to Natalie’s apartment, and it was this amazing modern looking building that had this clean look to it. Natalie mentioned that it was build recently and Natalie bought ti with a good price since it just started when she came in.

Lani got herself settled in the room as she set her things next to the bed and laid straight to the couch, relaxing for a bit since it was long flight.

“I bet your dad didn’t take it very well when you wanted to take a break from school.”

Lani shrugged, and sighed loudly, “I just want to get away from all the responsibilities for once. From taking care of the money, dad’s health, juggling two jobs, and school. I barely had time to stop and smell the flowers.”

“That’s true.” Natalie agreed as she slumped to Lani, “Wellm I hope you don’t mind spending some time at the cafe.”

“Don’t mind at all. Probably gotta hit some places around here while waiting for your shift to end.”

Natalie works at this cafe that’s walking distance from the apartment. Natalie offered Lani if she wanted some part time but Lani refused for she wanted to focus on herself for a while.

“Well,” Natalie jumped to the flood, and smoothed out her shirt, “Wash up, and put on some fresh clothes cause we’ll be leaving in about 30 minutes.”

“Thanks for letting me stay here again, Nat.” Lani stood straight up, and smile at her, “It means a lot.”

“Oh no problem,” Natalie waved her hands at her, “I missed you and having you around will make me less homesick.”

“Miss Natalie is actually homesick?”

“Oh ha- ha,” Natalie rolled her eyes, laughing sarcastically, “Funny. Get ready, Bitter Nancy.”

“Still don’t know who Nancy is!” Lani hollered to her as she walked out of the room, and she heard a faint laugh form Natalie.

Lani walked inside the bathroom, and was not pleased by her appearance with her messy short hair that she cut recently, and smudged mascara.

“Now when was it a good idea to wear mascara on a plane?” Lani asked herself as she wiped her make up away with a towelette.

She brushed out her hair, and splash some water to her face to feel more awake. When Lani was done, she smiled at her now more presentable appearance. Her tannish skin felt clean, and brown eyes look more awake. Yeah, she felt better about her self now. As she went to her luggage, she took out a maroon sweater with dark wash jeans. Lani was done changing and laid back down on the bed to rest a little bit.

She slowly shut her eyes and instantly knocked out to sleep.

“I love you, Lani..” Luke whispered to her ear and Lani smiled, whispering back, “I love you too...”

“Don’t leave me,” She felt his arms held her tighter, “I don’t know what I do without you..”

“I will never..” Lani snuggled her face on his shoulder, “I love you too much to let you go..”


Lani’s eyes suddenly opened and the first thing she sees is Natalie with her arms crossed, and smiling at her, “Time to go, Sleepy head.”

“I hate you..” Lani’s mumbled as she got up, and Natalie patted her shoulder, “You so love me.”

“That stupid dream..” Lani thought to herself and rubbed her temples, “Just forget about him, Lani. You have to focus on yourself now, okay?”

“Look like you had a nice dream,” Natalie suddenly said to Lani, and Lani asked, “How can you tell?”

“You were smiling in your sleep.”

Lani’s head snapped at Natalie who put her hands up, chuckling, “Your dream, not mine.” then walked away, saying, “Come on, time to go!”

Lani got up, rubbing her eyes, trying to get her eyes back to focus. When her vision was clear, she took a deep breathe, and whispered to herself, “Things changed, Lani, don’t go back there.”

Natalie and Lani headed towards the cafe, and Lani felt as if she was another world for some reason.

“London feels nice,” Lani smiled at herself as she held her hands together, “It feels nothing like San Francisco.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Natalie agreed as she shoved her, “The weather is not ideal but I prefer here than home.”

“I know that, Natalie.”

She shrugged, smiling, “It’s true.”

“So,” Lani said as she hooked her arm with Natalie’s, “Any guys you have the hots for?”

“Eh,” Natalie shrugged, scrunching up her face, “There’s a lot of cute guys that passes by the cafe but none that I want to be serious with.”

“Still the ever so independent and picky Natalie.” Lani hummed at her and Natalie started laughing, “Whatever! I just want to keep my options open.”

“Sure,” Lani nodded, agreeing sarcastically, “Whatever you say.”

Natalie and Lani continued to catch up with each other and it’s funny how much things didn’t really change between them. The biggest change for Lani is just the breakup but other then that, nothing really happened and same with Natalie. Lani felt a lot better when she talked to Natalie and the dream she had was completely forgotten. Lani is convinced that the break up had to be done, and doesn’t want to go back to it. Lani is now focus on herself and want to stay like that for a while.

“The cafe is cute!” Lani said as she saw the cafe that Natalie works in, “It’s all urban looking and such.”

“Yeah,” Natalie agreed, “It’s like home but without the fam, and annoying people I hate.”

“Jesus,” Lani scoffed at Natalie’s comment, “And you say I’m bitter.”

The cafe was definitely something Lani enjoyed a lot. Even though Lani is not much of a hipster girl, she enjoyed the brick walls, and beautiful black and white photography. It made her heart ache a little since it’s been a while since she snapped some pics but she shook her head, and took a deep breathe, reminding her that letting things go was the best thing to do to support her family, and now again, focus on herself.

“Want me to whip you up something?” Natalie asked as she put on her apron, and Lani nodded, “Yes please!”

Lani takes a seat on a leather brown coach that was next to a fire place. London is a bit chilly during this time of year, so a fire place is definitely something that Lani needs at the moment. A few moments later, Natalie set a cup on the table, in front of Lani.

“Some good ol’ salted caramel hot chocolate for Miss Mercado.” Natalie smiled at her, and Lani smiled back, taking the cup, “Thanks.”

Natalie nodded, and went back to work, helping out a new customer that just walked in. When Lani was done taking a good sip of the sweet hot chocolate, she checked her phone and sees a facebook message pop up. She checked to see who it’s from and it was from Iain. Yes, yes, that Iain. The guy from Prom night, and was a total pig to her. Lani and Iain made up before graduation and stayed friends ever since. Of coarse Luke was okay with it at the time since he knew Iain had no chance against him.

“Good day to you my good chap ;) haha, have fun in London!”

Lani shook her head, and just ignored the message, planning on messaging him later since she was too busy with the hot chocolate. Later, she pulled out her ear phones and start playing some of her favorite music.

Time went by, and after finishing a full cup of hot chocolate, Lani decided to go head to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, she fixed herself up by fixing her hair after washing her hands, and put on some lip balm for it’s still a bit dehydrated from the plane ride. After prepping herself silly, Lani was pleased by her appearance, and was about to walk out. Or at least, she thought till someone rushed inside, and literally bumped heads with her.

“FUU!” Lani grunted as she held her head, and yelled, “Watch where you’re going!”

“Sorry!” The voice said, but it wasn’t a women’s voice. Instead, it was deep, and had a familiar accent.

“No fucking way..” Lani thought to herself as her heart stopped for a moment, then looked at the person.

Blonde hair, pale skin, black hoodie, and black skinny jeans with a hole on one of the knees.

“This can NOT be happening..” Lani whispered to herself out loud, and the person froze, just stood still.

When the person finally looked up, his jaw dropped, and his bright blue eyes widened with shock.

“Lani...” Luke said with a faint voice, and in that moment, Lani felt as if dreams can really come true because at that moment, Luke suddenly embraced Lani with full force, and he held her tight as if the break up never happened.

“Oh my god..” Lani heard Luke whispering with disbelief, and she agreed with his disbelief because she felt the same thing.

It’s only been a day, and Lani feels like this is only the beginning.


welp, this chapter sucks but a lot of you guys wanted me to update.

let me get this clear out without sounding a jerk:

i appreciate the baby option, but i’m not that kind of writer. i mean, if you haven’t noticed, i can’t write them having sex so let alone having a baby. also, they’re only 19 and that is waaaaay too young to have a baby. i’m not that writer nor will i ever be. i do not like writing pregnancy because i have no idea what’s it like and i don’t want to make it all up because that is waay too much trouble. i had freaking trouble looking for a realistic and proper disease for the dad so just imagine me figuring out pregnancy! so, it is a major plot twist but not for me. i’ll stick true to who i am, and not go that way.

also, i’m still iffy about things change. debating to keep it or not so yeah. okay. that’s it. thank you for reading!

i loooooove you! and thank you for following me :D

half way to 200 ^^ thank you!

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