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The crackling of fire... fire all around... fed by the plane's ruptured fuel tank.

The rapid ping-ping of bullets, knocked loose from their heat-resistant containers, firing off from the intense heat.

The static of a radio, torn from its place on somebody's shoulder, now lying next to a pile of debris.

A pile of debris, serving as a temporary prison, was now being pushed by the person trapped underneath. It took a little bit of time, but the person managed to push part of the plane wreck off him. He rested for a moment before rolling over and standing on wobbly legs, holding his side as he reached for the radio to call for assistance. He managed to pick it up, but one look at its smashed appearance told him all he needed to know:

He was all alone in the middle of hostile territory in the middle of nowhere, and with limited- if any- supplies.

He stored the mangled radio in one of his side-packs before turning back to the wreck. The cockpit was ripped from the rest of the plane in the crash and wasn't burning. Good. He walked around to the open back before stepping up onto the cockpit's floor and looked around. It wasn't long before he spotted his shotgun, still in place next to the pilot's seat barrel-up. He walked over and pulled it out of its slot before loading a shell into its chamber. He still had a few spare shogun shells on him, but it'd be best to get moving and not wait to see if and how many hostiles would be heading to the crash site. He grabbed a nearby first-aid kit off the wall and clipped it to his belt, holding off using it until he reached somewhere safer. Finally, he picked up his full-head helmet that he'd removed before the plane started malfunctioning.

The soldier stepped out of the plane and back onto the dirt before looping back around to his original spot. He took one last look at the still-burning wreck before he turned and started limping away into the forest. Unfortunately, he didn't get very far before his wounded leg gave out from under him. He fell to the ground with a grunt, and was placing his hands on the ground, ready to push himself back up when he heard it.


He looked up and saw... something walking from behind a tree deeper in the forest. Another one came out and joined the other.

And another.

And another.

The things, which looked like large, black, bone-covered wolf-like creatures with orange eyes, began to advance towards the wounded man, who's shotgun was lying on the ground in front of him.

"What the fuck are these things?!" was all he was able to say before the first creature lunged at him, mouth wide open and claws out.

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