Volume 1, Chapter 3: The Badge and the Burden

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The morning after initiation, Weiss Schnee was sleeping peacefully. The previous day's events-including the initiation itself, the time in Ozpin's office, and the after-party where her dolt of a leader accidentally spilled her red fruit punch on her clean white dress-left everyone in need of sleep. The girls took the four beds when Simon volunteered take the floor until a fifth bed arrived (turning down Yang's offer to share), since his gear included a temporary sleeping bag.

Eventually, Weiss's eyes fluttered open and she stretched her arms above her head with a yawn. She wasn't paying attention to Ruby, who was dressed in Beacon's uniform, sneaking up beside her until-


-Ruby blew the whistle she had causing Weiss to fall to the floor.

"Good morning, team RWBYS!" Ruby announced.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss asked from the floor.

Ignoring her, Ruby continued. "Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business."

"Excuse me?" Weiss said as she got up and brushed herself off.

Yang, who also dressed alongside Blake and Ruby, was holding a collection of various objects in her arms. "Decorating!


Blake lifted her suitcase in the air. "We still have to unpack." The suitcase opened and dumped its contents onto the floor. "Aaaand clean."

"It'd be best to get it done now than to wait until later where it might be forgotten," Simon said. He must've just entered the room since Weiss hadn't seen him when she first looked up.

He too was dressed in the Beacon uniform, but he had his own small additions to it. Ruby wore her cape while Simon had four pins, one on either side of his dress shirt collar and one on the ends of each jacket epaulet.

Seeing him appear made Weiss instantly recall the discussion the team had with Ozpin.

(Yesterday, Ozpin's office)

"So let me get this straight: Simon is a being from another world or something-who you allowed to attend in order to adjust to this world after you met him about five days ago-and you wanted to know if we still want him on our team?" Yang asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Ozpin said simply.

Simon nodded, still standing next to Ozpin's desk.

The four girls looked between one another, Ozpin, and Simon before they all had their own reaction: Weiss facepalmed, Blake kept a mostly-neutral expression, and Ruby and Yang both laughed like mad.

Ozpin and Simon shared a look before returning the attention to the girls.

It took a few moments for Yang and Ruby to calm down before Yang spoke up again. "Okay... that was a good one; now, really, what did you want to talk about?"

"That's what we wanted to tell the four of you. I'm not from Remnant; I'm from another world called Earth," Simon answered.

"Alright, then tell us about this 'Earth' if you're really from it. What was it?" Weiss asked with a scoff.

Simon took a breath, thought for a moment, and spoke.

"Earth is a planet that is similar to Remnant, but very different at the same time. We don't have Dust, but we do have fuels that run things on our world such as oil, coal, and geothermal energy. Nobody has Aura or Semblances, but don't have the Grimm to deal with either; we have what I would is much worse, and it's currently, but slowly, killing us."

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