Volume 1, Chapter 2: Players and Pieces in the Emerald Forest

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Yang Xiao-Long was walking through the forest looking around at the trees and bushes while calling out to anybody that might be within earshot.

"Helloooooooo? Is anyone out there? Helloooo?" She paused to toss her hands up into the air. "I'm getting bored here!"

Her attention was drawn to some bushes behind her when she heard something rustling from within. "Is someone there?" she asked in the direction of the noisy plants. She walked over and peaked inside them and asked, "Ruby, is that you?"

Yang's head looking up at the creature that rose from the plants confirmed that, no, it wasn't Ruby.

Rather, it was a very pissed-off Ursa, a Grimm in the form of a bear.

"Nope!" Yang said as she rolled to the side and out of the path of the beast's charge out of the bushes. Getting back to her feet, she activated Ember Celica, a pair of forearm-mounted shotguns that doubled as bracelets, just in time for another Ursa ran out behind her. Yang leaped over it, and then sent the first one flying with a fiery punch when it charged at her again. The second one joined its comrade a few seconds later.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood with a scythe, would you?" Yang asked the two bears, who merely growled at their enemy. "You could just say 'no'."

One of the Ursa took the chance to stand on its hind legs and swipe at the blonde brawler twice with its very strong paws. Unfortunately for the creature, Yang barely dodged the hits, though it did nothing to break her joking mood.

"Geeeez, neither of you could hit the broad side of a ba-..." Yang's laughter was interrupted when she saw something float down past her face and to the ground.

Something gold...

The same gold as her hair.

Which now had a lock floating down to the forest floor.







Yang Xiao-Long's.




"You... you monster!" Yang screamed as her lilac eyes turned red, and an intense inferno surrounded her. The two Ursai could only look at each other with confusion before the pissed-off blonde rocketed forward. When she reached the Grimm, she unleashed the Holy Grail of whoop-ass on the being of darkness in mere seconds.

The offending bear was met with a devastating barrage of flaming hits and blows which caused it to go through several trees burning thanks to Yang's rage. The other Ursa charged at the brawler but stopped short of her glare.

"What?! You want some too?!"

The Grimm responded with an unintelligible noise and a jerky swipe forward with its paw as it fell down, revealing Blake Belladonna behind it with her weapon, Gambol Shroud, planted in its back. Ruby met the ninja-like girl after blowing herself and Weiss up in the courtyard and met her again with Yang in the ballroom the night before initiation. Speaking of the blonde, Yang had been panting while Blake pulled Gambol Shroud out from the Ursa, which was starting to dissolve into smoke, and sheathed it on her back before focusing on Yang.

"I could've taken him," a now‑lilac‑eyed Yang said to her new partner.


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