Chapter 1

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"Good morning Paladins, looks like everyone got a good night's sleep. Today we will be doing some team exercises." Allura said.

"before we do that can we eat first I'm starving"

Keith glanced at Lance for a quick second before he saw, then his eyes went to the floor and then to Allura and began to say "I'm going to have to agree with Lance on this one"

"Alright I'll tell Coran to prepare some food goo to help get your energy"

As Allura walked off to tell Coran to prepare the dish, everybody went back to there rooms to change into their suits, expect for Shiro, he was already in his suit.

~Time Skip to the training room~

"Alright everyone for this exercise we are going to get into partners, I will pick them for you" Allura said while she crossed her arms and paired them together.

Then Allura spoke again "Now Lance, you will be partners with Keith got it?"

Lance's POV

After Allura told me that I would be partners with Keith, I felt scared because he would sometimes yell at me for no reason. He is always alone and he rarely ever talks to any of the people on the team, expect for Shiro he talks to him almost all the time. Which I understand because he knew Keith longer than any of us. I just feel like he hates me the most out of the group, because of how annoying I am.

I walked up to him with my head held high not caring about what he would say to me, but at the same time I would care. I punched him playfully in the arm, and I thought to myself Maybe that was a bad idea.

"Hey buddy are you ready for this exercise?" I said with a smile.

Keith look at me but then shook his head and turned away, then whispered something under his breath, that I couldn't hear.

I looked at him a bit hurt, wondering what he said about me or something. My arms were dangling beside me, I felt like Keith and are only going to be rivals nothing else. But I wiped off my sad expression and replaced it with a smile before anyone could notice.

"Now that you are all paired up, there will be robots coming after you, work together to defend yourselfs" Allura spoke.

The bots kept firing at Keith, therefore Lance wasn't really doing a great job protecting him. Which eventually got Keith mad and decided to lash out on him.

"LANCE, what the hell are you doing you're suppose to be defending me too not just yourself. You should probably step aside and let the rest of the team handle this, you clearly aren't nee-" Keith was cut off by Shiro.

I jumped when he rose his voice at me.

"Keith! may I speak to you alone for second, now please." Shiro demanded.

Keith's head snapped away from me and stormed out. See, now I know that he hates me for sure, if I'm such a screw up then I should leave the team. But instead of worrying if I should leave, and what he thinks of me I just kept on fighting the robots Allura set up. But his words were still wondering around in my mind, you should probably step aside and let the rest of the team handle this. But I shook my head and decided to leave the room, to go to my own.

~Time skip~

Everything was a bit more awkward now between Lance and Keith, no one knew what to say, all they knew is that Keith dislikes Lance or so they thought he did. They have been rivals every since that day they saved Shiro. But usually Lance would be there with them making jokes, but he wasn't, instead he locked himself in his room. Now this wasn't the first time Keith yelled at him for random reasons, it's just that no one knew about it until now, it hurt Lance but he didn't show it because he thought he had this role to play as the happy one. So he hides it behind a smile.

Later on in the day Keith, Hunk, and Pidge were in the lounge talking about what happened earlier, but Keith wasn't saying much.

"Hey has anyone seen Lance since training ?" Hunk asked concerned about his friend.

"You're friend locked himself in his room again as usual" Keith said with no emotion.

"Keith I have a question, why were you being so mean to Lance during today's team exercise? He made one mistake" Pidge said while cleaning her glasses.

"Yeah Pidge is right, you didn't have to be so harsh to him. It was one mistake" Hunk spoke.

Keith's POV

The thing is I don't intend to yell at him, I think it's because I'm untrusting or that I don't connect with people well... it's just if I get mad or yell at Lance everyone just start glaring at me and gives me the silent treatment. Honestly I don't know why I lashed out on him this time, but Pidge was right he really didn't do anything that bad it was a mistake. So instead of answering there questions I just minded my own business and ignored them.

"Just as I expected he's ignoring us." Pidge said with a attitude.

I stood up off the couch that was in the lounge and decided to go to Lance's room to see if he's ok because, usually I would just let him deal with it himself but I just felt bad for lashing out on him so many times, even though most of the time he did nothing wrong.

Once I got to Lance's door I knocked and asked if could come in.

Lance's POV

While I was lying in my bed sobbing and hugging my pillow, all of a sudden I heard a knock at my door.

"Lance? Hey um could I come in?" He asked with a bit of sincerity in his voice.

I jumped off my bed quickly and ran to the bathroom to freshen up a bit, to not show that I was crying. Keith knocked again and I yelled.

"Just a second"

After that, I walked to the door and I opened it revealing a arm crossing Keith waiting there. I then invited him in and closed the door, then we sat on my bed and started to talk.

"Look Lance I'm sorry that I yelled at you back there, and all those other times I yelled at you." Keith said, but Lance's eyes went to the floor and stayed their for a while.

Lance's facial expression was down but he then cleared his throat and fixed his facial expression. Which Keith noticed that slight change Lance did.

"Lance are you ok?" Sounding a bit concerned.

"I'm alright, everything is fine I'm good!" Lance faked smiled.

Keith rose a eyebrow and thought he's acting very strange. I just can't tell what it is, but maybe I'm overthinking this, maybe this is how he's always been. I mean I barely know the guy but I didn't believe anything he was telling me.

"So um yeah that's all I wanted to say to you, I'm going to go now. " Keith said calmly but he was still skeptical of what Lance told him and how he was acting.

Once Keith left the room, Lance let out a breath of relief and laid back down on his bed staring at the ceiling, thinking  why did he come to my room? Why did he now all of a sudden want to come check up on me, he barely knows me. He would usually just let me handle this on my own, maybe he just wants to make himself feel better about what happened earlier. He would never do this sort of thing out of the blue. At least that's what I think.  Lance had all these questions wondering around in his head which he doesn't have the answer too, but he would like to know why all of this was happening. 


I didn't know how to end it or begin it, so sorry if it's bad. It's obviously my first book.

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