Chapter 3

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Today was the day that maybe Lance would wake up from his pod.

"Should we wake up Keith so he can see Lance?" Hunk asked.

"No, I don't believe we should. He has put Lance through so much pain, we don't need him to make it any worse." Allura stated.

Shiro cocked his head and rose his eyebrows.

"Excuse me, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. Keith has been through a whole lot, he's part of this team so I think he should be here"

While Shiro and Allura were having a argument. Pidge was trying to there attention that Lance would be waking up shortly.

"GUYS! Lance is about to wake up any moment now, so if you would like to go get Keith then hurry." Pidge said frustrated.

Shiro looked Allura a bit frustrated, but he didn't bother. He left the room to quickly wake up Keith, once he got to his room. He walked and shaked Keith.

"Keith wake up, Lance is about to wake up come on."

Keith rubbed his eyes and spoke in his morning voice. 

"What? He's going to wake up? Is that what you said?"

Shiro nodded, Keith jumped off his bed. They were sprinting down the hall so they could be there in time, so Keith could be there in time. 

Keith's POV

Shiro told me that Lance was going to wake up soon, so we were running down the halls of the castle. Once we got there, it was too late because Lance was in Allura's arms. I can tell he looks so much happier with her, if he was in my arms then he probably wouldn't give that same look he gives to her. 

"Shiro, I'm just going to go back to bed..." I said trying not to sound hurt. 

Why do I feel so hurt, I don't like him. He's just a friend... he's just a friend. I thought, but the thought of him just makes me warm inside, I feel more protective of him which I don't know why. Well I do care about him but I wouldn't say in that way.

~Time Skip~

Allura, Hunk, and Pidge were sitting around Lance making sure he's comfortable. Keith was on the other couch across from them, eyeing Allura.

"By the way Allura...thanks for saving me." Lance said while his cheeks turned a bit red.

Allura looked at Keith who is  clenching his jaw, she turns her head back to Lance to respond.

"You certainly are welcome Lance, you are apart of this team after all." She told him. 

Keith stood from the couch and walked out the room, Lance and the others watched him leave.

"Is he ok?"

Allura took a second to answer Lance, she finally said. 

"Yes, he is." She lied.

~Time Skip~

A few weeks after Lance's awakening, Allura and him were hanging out more often. Keith was alone more, he wondered if any of his friends notice the way he's been acting. Of course he told Shiro how he was feeling, so he would once an a while check to so how he was doing. 

Once in a while he would come out to eat but he wouldn't come out when Allura and Lance were around.

Keith's POV

Soon it was going to be dinner time, but I didn't really want to leave my room because of how Allura lied to Lance right in front of me. They have gotten closer than anyone on this castle, but I also I didn't want to leave my room because I had this pain in my stomach. It doesn't feel like regret or sadness, it's a pain that I can't describe.

"Keith, it's time for dinner" Shiro said through the door. 

I slowly got off my bed, my arms dangling by my side, eyes following my feet. Once Shiro and I got to the table I see that Lance and Allura are sitting next to each other, not surprised. I also see that Lance is looking at Allura all lovey dovey like she was the one who saved him from a galra ship.

"Could you kindly pass the food goo Allura." I emphasized her name. 

Lance and Allura turn there heads to look at me, since I stopped their conversation.

"Nevermind then I'll get it myself"

I stood from my chair, walked over to where Allura was, grabbed the goo and glared right into her eyes. When I got back to my seat I started to cough like something was stuck in my throat.

"Keith! Are you ok?!" Shiro asked concerned.

I nodded while putting my hand up into a thumbs up.

"May I be excused?" I didn't even stay to hear them say I could go I just left. 

"What's up with him lately?" Pidge said with a mouth full of food.

I hate seeing them having together, but Lance deserves someone like her. Maybe it's better that he doesn't know the truth. I laid onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. Thinking about how I could make this pain stop, because it hurts so much. Maybe I should pack a bag and run away, it seems reasonable. That's what I exactly did, I grabbed a bag and started to clothes in it. Once everyone was asleep, I quietly walked out of my room to my lion. When I got there, I looked back for a second but then proceeded on to what I was doing.

~Time Skip~

"Hey Allura..I feel like we should invite Keith to-"

"Shush Lance, Keith's fine. He has Shiro to keep him company."

Lance lifted one brow and crossed his arms.

"Allura what's going on? You are acting weird."

Before Allura could answer, Shiro bursted into the room.

"Guys Keith is gone I can't find him"

While everyone was trying to get in contact with Keith, Lance went to his room thinking about why he just got up and left. The only reason he came up with is it was his fault or someone else's.  Then finally Shiro was the only one who could get him to answer. Lance went to the control room to see Keith on the screen.

"Keith?! Hello? Where are you?" Shiro said worried.

Keith looked at Lance standing in the back, he saw the hurt in his eyes. That's exactly what he didn't want to do to him, Keith thought Lance wouldn't care if Keith left. 

"I-I can't say" he said looking down at his feet. 

But finally Lance spoke up after everyone was piling questions on Keith.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Why have you been acting so distant lately, ever since I woke up. You didn't think I noticed did you, well I did... I noticed everything. I care about you Keith."

Keith's eyes started to water, knowing how much he wanted to go back and hug him, to tell Lance everything but he can't. The only thing he knows is that he made a promise to protect Lance at all times but he couldn't when Allura was around, he couldn't because the pain in his stomach was getting worse.


Sorry if this was rushed or that I missed words, it's my first book. I'm surprised you kept reading I guess. 

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