Broken Promises - Pharmercy

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Fareeha got back from a mission, terribly wounded. Three gunshots wounds, two on her legs, one on her left shoulder which got infected. Fareeha gasped as she woke up in a dimly lit room, she looked around and tried to sit up, she looked over at her left arm. 'Damn.. lost an arm..' it was now mechanical, she stared at it as she tried to control it. It didn't work, she sighed and heard the door click open.

"You're awake." A familiar voice spoke, a clicking of heels was the only noise in the room besides the machine beeping next to Fareeha. She looked towards the doctor "Angie.." she looked at her, Angela looked at Fareeha blankly.

"How is your arm? Does it feel okay?" She asked. "I can't control it yet.." Fareeha answered. "Turn this on, it connects to your nerves and it will take a little adjustment to control it for awhile." She said as she turned on a switch.

Fareeha looked at the robotic arm, she sighed. "Fareeha.. you've got to stop taking's already hard knowing that you're in battle." Angela said as she sat on the right bedside, Angela looked over at Fareeha. "Can.. can you promise me something?.. please.."

"Angie.. only for you." Fareeha said as she fully sat up, looking at Angela. "Promise me.. that you'll try to at least come home unharmed. Promise me that.. I will always see you after a mission alive..." Angela's voiced cracked as she held Fareeha's right hand. "P-promise me.." her voice trembled as her gaze locked in with Fareeha's.

"I have a team to protect, but yes, I promise that I'll try to help them another way, I will always be here Angie." Fareeha said softly as she brought Angela's hand to her face, kissing it softly.  "I promise." Angela caressed Fareeha's face as she kissed her softly on the lips before pulling back. She walked out of the room to finish some paperwork, Fareeha watched her leave. "I promise Angie."


Angela's hands shaked as she held a cobalt blue helmet with a golden visor. It had splashes of scarlet red on it, the visor was cracked and had a hole in it. She sobbed as she hugged it tightly.  "Fareeha.. you promised.." A cube fell out of the helmet, it was a voice message. Angela with no hesitation activated it

"Angie.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I broke your promise. I won't be coming home.. I.." Fareeha groaned as her voice weakened "I will be.. waiting for you.. just.. live your life, I will.. meet you again.. in a better place.. I love.. you Angie.." it went silent until another voice called "The chief is down! We need a medi-" static ended the audio.

Angela trembled as she held the helmet sobbing "I'll meet you there.. Liebe.." Angela said softly as she backed up against a wall and hugged the helmet "I.. love you too." Her voices cracked, Angela stared at the helmet until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

//Well, I'm not dead but I forgot to post this here, whoops.
Anyways, I'm planning to write more, I'm just busy with school. Anyways, buh bai! Till next time bois

Art by Nekitoototo

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