Part 1 - Protective!Ashe x Captured!Reader - Sugar Pea

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Hello, it's your unreliable author here with a few changes from the sneak peek because.. well. I hated it. Anyways on with the story.
aLSO THANKS FOR THE 21K READS AND THE 400 VOTES AAAA ;;w;; didn't think I'd make it this far ;0;

Edit#1 This story has been inspired by @/AsheHere and @/Katrinaistrashhh Ashe stories. Follow them and read their stories please >:00 they are super good and amazing AAAA //

Your POV

"You're dismissed. We'll talk about this plan tomorrow with the guys. You need your rest." Ashe spoke softly. She took off her hat and set it aside. You simply nodded and turned away. "Oh, and (Y/n). Don't be late." Her tone of voice turned from soft to slightly annoyed. "Yes, Ashe." You said trying to leave the room as quickly as you can.

Ashe is confusing, her mood can change instantly. But she's a good boss, she keeps everyone in their places and everyone else is alright with that. You woke up here one day, Ashe told you she saved you from an attack. Ashe didn't go into detail, but you just accepted it and was soon recruited as a member. But she treated you differently. She insists that you wear a disguise on every mission. She just said to cover your identity in case you get caught. You didn't find anything weird about it, it was to protect you.

You closed the door behind you as you left the office. Ashe began muttering to herself as the door closed. You let out a small sigh and walked towards your room. You didn't realise how tired you were until you entered your room. Somehow your room felt strange, a chill hung in the air. The lamp next to your bed was turned off. Didn't you leave it on?

You went towards your lamp and realised the light bulb was shattered. You slowly backed away, the room was dark and something didn't feel right. You backed up until you felt a figure behind you, quickly turning your head you saw eyes looking right into yours. "W-who-" was all cane out of your mouth. A smirk appeared on their face, you were hit by something hard. The last thing you saw were these cold, dead yellow eyes.

Ashe's POV

The next morning rolled around. Ashe opened her eyes to the sound of her alarm clock. She quickly turned it off and sat up. Ashe did her usual morning routine before meeting up with the others in the planning room. She sat down at the end of the table while waiting for the others. Everyone showed up, except for (Y/n). After about 15 minutes of waiting, Ashe looked at Zeke. "Go get (Y/n). She's late." Ashe said annoyed.

Zeke nodded and scrambled off. Ashe let out a sigh. The others stayed silent was they awkwardly looked around the room. Zeke came back into the room hesitantly, he looked at Ashe. "She's not answering her room door." Zeke muttered.

Ashe stood up from her seat. "B.O.B." Ashe said as she walked out of the room to (Y/n)'s room. Ashe went up to the door and banged on it. "Alright (Y/n)! It's time to get up!" Ashe yelled. There was only silence. 'What could that girl be doing?' Ashe thought to herself.

"B.O.B, open this door." Ashe demanded, her red ruby eyes seemed darker. B.O.B with no trouble broke the door down. He stepped aside and Ashe walked in the room. The room was empty, but everything seemed out of place. The lamp was broken, there was some blood on the carpet and there seemed to be a struggle as the dresser was slightly opened and there was a dent. "What the hell?!" Ashe spoke. Ashe looked around and picked up a card. It was a Talon symbol.

"Those backstabbing bi-" Ashe cursed and clenched her hand into a fist as she banged it on the dresser.

Your POV

You woke up in a dark room, you quickly shot up. "Shit! I'm late-" you realised that you weren't in your room. You looked around, soon lights turned on. You saw that you were tied to a chair. You began to struggle for a bit but the cuffs around your wrists kept getting tighter. You eventually stopped and looked around. A slender figure stood in front of you.

Those eyes. They were yellow and lifeless. Soon you remembered the night before, seeing those same eyes before you were knocked out. You opened your mouth to speak. "What- What am I doing here?!" You said angrily.

"We only brought you here so we make sure that Ashe does her part. When she does we'll set you free." The woman spoke. You just stared at her and started to chuckle. "Oh, so you think that she cares about me enough to do to her job?! Do all you want to me, it's not like that she is gonna care. I'm just another member." You spoke and sat up straight. "That's not what it says in her files." Another voice spoke, this time a woman appeared out of nowhere from a purple aura. She had tanned skin and half shaved hair that faded from brown to purple

"We'll see about that." The slender woman spoke. The other woman brought out some holo video screen, there showed a confused and concerned Ashe.

"Ashe?" You ask in disbelief.

"Hey Sugar Pea." Her voice soft and her eyes were full of concern.

Sorry father for I have sinned. I don't swear nor use any of that language. blep but I used it here so. yeah. Who's a rebel now?! >;3c

This one is short because I'm tired and wanted to at least publish something tonight. I don't know when the next part is coming out but watch out for it! Ok bye //

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