Chapter 1

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I had traveled non stop since the beginning, Dead at every turn and every corner, in every house, and every building, behind every tree, and in every street, path, or alleyway. I had been all over the united states, traveled far and wide hoping for something permanent or worth my time, but no one was friendly toward me. I had seen places I would've never seen before the fall, before the dead started to rise. Muertos, was the best name I could come up with, my dad was adamant that I learn Spanish, along with French, German, and Swedish, he wanted me to travel, but I was a disappointment in the end. I did successfully learn these languages, but I did nothing with them, other then curse at people under my breath.

I decided to take my chances in Canada, hoping for a settlement of some kind, even some abandoned farm land. It was about mid day, a big drop in temperature once I entered Canada. I didn't know the area well, I would have to find some road marks and a map to figure out where I am. I put on some layers, just the extra clothes in my pack, and moved through the forest, finding a beaten path I decided to follow. I had my slingshot ready, it was modified with a knife on the butt of the handle. The usual routine, stay armed at all times, and don't let your guard down.

I had been alone since as long as I could remember, living in foster care until I was 18, I got kicked out and lived on the streets for the better part of two years, saving money from my job at a fast food joint, where I was harassed most days. I should mention that yes I had a dad, but he was unable to care for me, he could barely care for himself. Finally I saved enough money to move into an apartment, just a studio apartment, where the bedroom, living room, and kitchen were all one, but big enough to fit all three, of course the bathroom was closed off, I loved that place, I made it cozy, every bit of decor and furniture I put into that place was me. Anyway now I was moving from place to place, sleeping with a tree, wall, or dumpster against my back.

Toward the end of the day I found a small shack, that had only a bed, a recliner, a TV tray, a fire stove, and a couple cupboards. In the corner of the house was a trap door hidden under a mat, it led down to a cellar, that did in fact have some food, nothing too abundant, but a case of spaghetti-o's, pudding, and instant mashed potatoes. Once I had the place locked down, I dug into a can of spaghetti-o's, of course, a pudding cup, and I made a bowl of instant mashed potatoes. I didn't do this every time I found food, I only did it today because what I had found would last me a couple of months, I was good at rationing. After my meal and some water, I put a little bit of my rations in my pack, you never knew when you were going to have to pick up and leave. I curled up in the bed with my boots still on, still wearing all of my layers, I had just put out the fire not wanting to draw attention to my cabin. I curled up under the thin blankets on the bed, taking slow deep breaths under the blanket to warm myself, until I finally fell asleep.

It was a dreamless sleep as always, until I heard that familiar sound I had heard a dozen times, the click of a gun. I opened my eyes slowly, taking my time to get my bearings, I could see the barrel of the gun glimmering from the light of the man's lantern.

"Show me your hands, and sit up slowly." The man said with warning in his voice. I did as he said, doing everything slowly, I had been through this more than I would like to admit." Give me your name blue." The man ordered.

"Je m'appelle Quinn." Maybe speaking french would throw him off and he would think I was a local.

"Levez-vous et abadonnez vos armes." The man said back mockingly. I slowly stood up like he told me, keeping my hands in the air, then he roughly took my slingshot from my belt, patting me down for other weapons." D'où êtes-vous?" He asked where I was from, what was I supposed to do tell him my entire life story? The man stepped closer the lantern light illuminating his face.

I was captivated by him, hypnotized even, his face decorated in scars, a large beard covering his face, but behind all that what really stuck out was his piercing blue eyes. I could see this man had stories to tell, his eyes gave him away, that's always the give with people, eyes are like big blaring windows displaying your stories.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly. The man cocked his head to the side, with a raised eyebrow.

"Rick Grimes."


Hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter, it was more of just an intro chapter, but let me know what you thought in the comments, and I would like to thank those that came from my other Fanfictions for your support, and those that are new! So thank you so much for reading!

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