Chapter 6

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We were sitting in our room after work, when I looked at Agnis who had obviously been with this group for a long time and I wanted to know more.

"Agnis, can I ask you about the community, when you got here, how it was established?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I got here before the community was established, when there was still room, and they were still building the place." She said simply." But when they started bringing in workers, I wasn't on board with it. I helped workers escape, but I got caught, Wolf nearly beat me to death, before he decided to make me a worker until I die." Agnis sighed heavily." Wolf has me work at his house so I know what I'm missing out on, what I could've had if I wouldn't had helped people escape.

"How much do you know about Wolf, who was he before?" I asked curiously.

"He was a nobody business man working under someone else's thumb, that pushed him around all the time." Agnis shrugged." And when the dead started rising, Wolf tortured his boss before finally smashing his head in the door. After that he stumbled around in the woods with no food or water, following around animals, eating whatever they left behind. One day he got hurt and woke up in a cave with a pack of wolves, he didn't move for days, wolves would come lay by him, and lick his wounds they even brought him food. Finally little by little he would move, until the wolves were comfortable enough with him that they treated him like his was their own." She explained.

"How'd he find you?" I asked knowing there was more to the story.

"I was hurt and bleeding to death, he found me and nursed me back to health. When I was finally able to move again, we moved the group to the dam that had been scouted ahead of time." Agnis explained.

"You were close with Wolf, weren't you?" I implied.

"You got that from everything I told you?" Agnis said annoyed.

"It was just a question, keep going." I smirked.

"When the Dam was officially home, Wolf sent the pack out to find more people, and they did, bringing them back one by one. Wolf's mean streak though I don't know when that started it was just there one day." Agnis sighed heavily." There was something between Wolf and I, we loved each other for a moment, but it was over when I started helping workers escape." She said saddened." Anyway I don't wanna talk about this anymore." She shook her head then crossed her arms over her chest.

"Thank you for sharing that with me." I smiled at her." What about you Heath?"

"Nothing too exciting," Heath shrugged," I found a community to call home, I was a runner, I went out on the long runs for them. That place was bliss, then suddenly almost every waking moment was lived in suspense, you never knew when something was going to go wrong." He explained." Then we found a new community that needed our help taking out some group called the saviors. After we did that, Tara and I left on a two week run, me and her ran into some trouble, we were over run, she told me to run, then she fell off the bridge, I thought she was dead."

"Did she?" I asked.

"According to Rick she was alive and well, anyway when I ran back for our vehicle this woman came out of nowhere and knocked me unconscious. When I woke up I was bound up, and sitting in a helicopter, the woman that attacked me told me I was the "B" She was looking for. I don't know what she meant by that." Heath shrugged." But now here I am."

"I have another question." I said nervously." Why were they calling numbers for everyone except me?" I looked at everyone.

"You don't have a number." Rick said simply. That's when I noticed all three of them had numbers tattooed on their arms.

"Well when do I get one?" I asked.

"You will." Rick said simply glancing at Heath and Agnis who didn't seem pleased with his answer either." Anyway we should get some sleep, a lot of work to do tomorrow." The three of us looked at each other a little confused by Rick's behavior.

I remember the whispers I heard from everyone, that I wasn't registered, what did that mean? I thought just showing up here and getting violated by that woman was registration. What was I missing?

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