Chapter 8

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*Check out the picture above*

Today was more different than the rest, today we had to clean up the bottom of the dam. There was a door just a couple of stories from the bottom, and a couple rows of stairs, the four of us heading down with hatchets, gloves, and rags. The workers that fished down here couldn't get anything out of here because of the junk down here, so here we were to clean it up.

"Smells like shit!" Heath pulled his bandana up over his nose and mouth, tucking the bottom into his shirt, the rest of us doing the same thing.

We began pulling wood planks out of the water, tree branches, walker limbs, moving things around made walkers start to pop up to the surface. We killed at least five, pulled them out of the water and began chopping them up, there was a large crate down here with us that we put all the junk into, people up top pulled it up and burned it. It was a process the junk had really built up down here, we worked for a good hour, pulling junk out and killing walkers. We were close to finished, I started pulling boards out of the water, when a walker grabbed hold of me and yanked me into the water, shit! I fought with the walker, unable to see anything in the murky water, I could only hold it back away from me.

It was hard holding something back in the water I'll tell you that much, especially when I was holding my breath. I propped my feet against the walker, trying to find my knife or something! Then a bullet whizzed through the walkers head, and I swam up to the surface, gasping for air.

"Shit!" I swam to the edge, Rick and Heath pulling me out." Holy crap water fights are harder than they look in movies." I said exasperated.

"Quinn." I heard Rick say weakly.

"What?" I sat up and looked down at my left arm, I had a large wound at my wrist, visible bone and muscle." What is that?" I began panicking, the pain began to set in.

"It's a bite, you were bit." Heath said.

"We have to hurry." Rick pulled off his belt, and tied it tightly around my arm. Rick sat behind me, and wrapped his arms around me, then Agnis held down my wounded arm, and Heath pulled out his hatchet ready to cut." Scream if you have to but we're saving you."

"Why am I always the one getting hurt?" I cried." Hurry up before it spreads!" I was in full panic now, I didn't want to cut off my arm for no reason.

Heath then brought the hatchet down on my arm, chopping into the skin and muscle definitely hitting bone, I screamed, a lot, cause this was the weirdest most painful feeling ever! He chopped again, my entire body screaming at me, I felt dizzy, my head swirling, then I couldn't feel my hand anymore. Heath quickly covered and tied up my wounded arm, the three of them carrying me over to the lift, Rick the only one staying with me as we got lifted up to the top.

"What happened?" A guard asked angrily.

"She was bit we had to cut it off." Rick barked back.

"Get her to the infirmary, quick!" The guard yelled. Other guards came running over, moving me to a cart, and rushing me away.

"Whoa, where do you think your going?" The guard stopped Rick.

"With her, she's part of my group I have to make sure she's alright." Rick was in the guards face." I want to make sure they save her, cause they can save her."

"Just because you have perks around here don't think you can just throw out your entitled card whenever you want." The guard barked.

"Then take whatever you want, do whatever you want to me, but I am going with her." Rick demanded.

"Oh I will, now go." The guard ordered." Give me the gun first." Rick sighed heavily and passed the gun to the guard that was hidden under his shirt, before running after me.

"We got a bite victim." One guard said as he brought me into the infirmary.

"Damn it." The doctor swore as she pulled the makeshift bandage from my stump.

"You can save her." Rick demanded." You do everything you can." The doctor just glared at Rick as she got to work.


I woke with a start, pain shooting through my left arm, I went to squeeze my hand, but I couldn't feel it. I looked down at my left hand, what the hell, my hand was gone, I was just looking at a bandaged stump.

"Hey, hey," Rick was at my side," it's going to be okay." He said softly covering my bandaged stump.

"My hand is gone." I said blankly.

"You were bit, we were trying to save you, and we did." Rick explained.

"It's gone, but it feels like it's still there." I said still blank.

"I'm here for you, I'll be here every step of the way." Then using my other hand, I grabbed Rick's face and kissed him, I did not want to let go of this man that's been there for me since the day I arrived at the Dam, that's been protecting me since day one here." Are you sure you want this right now, they put you on pain killers, and you just woke up after being asleep for 12 hours."

"Shut up, and accept it." I brought my wounded arm around his neck, grabbing his shirt with my hand pulling him against me. Finally he was into it, kissing me back just as passionately as the first time and I was in another world of bliss, distracting from the weirdness in my arm. This man was everything I wanted and more, I could not get enough of him.

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