Salvation; it's awesome right, the guarantee, that once we die, we will be there with the Father, for eternity, we will be rejoicing for eternity, forever, never ending, no sickness, no pain, just joy, love and life.
It's awesome once we have it; but what about those who don't, the people who are hardened to the truth, who are bound for hell. They are destined for eternal suffering, depression and anxiety, every single day.
When you think of the amount of people, who are dying every minute, how many do you think are saved, and are going to heaven? A small number, in comparison to those who are going to hell, every minute. Every single minute, men, women and children. The bus driver, you say good morning to everyday, the check-out workers at Woolworth's that you nod to, as they scan your shopping.
If they don't know Christ, they won't get to know the peace of heaven. That is why we are still here, we have been commissioned to go out into all the world. All of it, every place.
Why is it so easy for us, to be heartbroken after a break up, but we can't even feel pain for the hell bound. Why is it so easy for us, to get so hurt and upset for something like a broken relationship, than it is for us to feel the broken heart of the Father, when one of His son's or daughters are destined for torment.
As those that are saved, we have a purpose, a reason that we are still here, there is a reason that we are alive, and didn't die the moment we accepted Christ into our hearts.
But some of us, don't get this revelation that we have a purpose here, and when we get saved, we just become a part of the born again club. Just another Christian. But don't you know the great purpose that the Father has for you? Without purpose there is no vision, without something to work towards, we are just floating on by, week by week, day by day.
But we are called to something much more than that. Look at Jeremiah, a young man, roughly at the age of 21, at the time that he was called by God, He only saw himself as a youth, he only saw himself, at his age, at his circumstance and situation, but God saw so much more, God knew Jeremiah from before he was formed in the womb. That goes for you too. You were known, and appointed, before you were born, before you were even a thought in your parents mind, God had plans for you, a grand purpose to be lived in this life.
We are called to go out into all the world and to make disciples of every nation. Every nation. Every man, woman and child. Not a single one left alone. It's either they know Christ, or they don't, it's either they have God and the promise of heaven or they don't there is no in between. There is no debate, no discussion. You're either in or you are out.
When God tells Jeremiah that he is to be a prophet, Jeremiah's response is, "Ah, but Lord, I am just a youth, I cannot speak."
It's time for us to stop making excuses about why we can't do something, and it is time for us to just obey. There are people, men and women, that you know, are hurting, suffering and are struggling to go on, you have the relationship with Christ, the answer to what they're in need of. That answer, is, was and ALWAYS will be, Jesus Christ, the precious lamb that was slain for our sins.
If we can spend hours, on our phones, hours playing games, hours online and not in line with Christ. Then we are just floating. Revelation, comes through relationship. Revelation comes through intimacy and spending time with God.
We have been purposefully placed for such a time as this, we have been called for this generation, this time, here and now. Right in this century, this era. The country you are in, you have been purposefully placed in, to have an impact in that area, to bring change in that time, to see the lost come to Christ.
I want us to take a moment, to focus on how we came to Christ. The situations and the events that lead up to us saying yes, to Jesus, to saying yes to the cross. The same frustration, the same hurt, the same uncertainty, the same wondering, the same misery, the same loneliness, the same depression, the same anxiety, the same suicidal thoughts, the same nightmares, again and again, day after day, minute after minute. That is what is in store for those who are destined for Hell. That is what is coming to those who don't know their creator. The thief came to steal, to kill and to destroy. But Jesus, came so that we may have life, and have it abundantly.
Jesus, came for us. So that we could live and love Him in relationship. The person who cut you off in traffic. The person who bumped into you, the same person who offended you, the same person who swore at you that one time. They are destined for an eternity of pain, unless you realise your created value and purpose, unless you realise why God has set you here in a time such as this.
If we don't stand up, someone else is going to suffer because of it. We are salt and light, we are supposed to stand out in the crowd, we are supposed to be a beacon of Jesus, we are supposed to represent.
It's either we stand up and let Jesus flow in and through us, or we let the people around us, be tormented for an eternity. Our brothers, our family members, how many of them are destined for hell, how many of them are you willing to fight for, so they can be with you, in heaven, in eternal life, joy, peace and worship.
For god so loved the World that He gave His only Son. So that we wouldn't have to die, and go to hell. So that we didn't have to constantly be in fear, but in rejoicing. You were created with a purpose, it's just time for us to live it.
Over this part, I've spoken to you, to try and stir in you the need to reach out to the lost, but we can't reach out without love. I can't stir in you properly, without you receiving the revelation of love in your life.
I love you guys, every reader, i may not know you, or where you are from, or what your name is, but I am so full of love for you, that i can't stop writing until you realise what God has for you.
The revelation of your purpose and the fact that God loved you is an unlimited revelation of joy and peace, no matter how hard it gets, no matter how heavy it gets, the love of God for you, died on the cross for you. Jesus, is the love of God manifest in the flesh, dying on the cross, because God loves you.
It is love that brings in the need to see the lost saved. If God didn't love us, He would have wiped us out when He flooded the Earth. He wouldn't have sent a reset.
You have been purposefully placed, your placement, has been for this time, this place, this school, this job, this family, this church.
Now be encouraged, stand up, rise like eagles, and you will see, just how the love of God can operate freely, and thoroughly throughout your life.
Signs And Wonders
EspiritualThe Word of God, is not a fancy religious book, used to dictate and demoralize the masses. It is God's way, and demonstration of love, faithfulness and righteousness. Love was perfected on the cross, when Jesus died for us, so that we too could exp...