Chapter 27. What bothers you?

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The training is over. Mario gave me his car keys and told me to wait in the car. That's what I'm doing right now. The only problem is, that he is taking forever. His hair needs to be perfect and all this crap.

"Why are you in Mario's car?" Basti comes and asks.

"Hmm, I was just thinking, what to do with you, something big, something awful," I smirk.

"I hate you so much," he says.

"Love you too!" I shout.

Finally, after waiting for half an hour, he finally shows up with Marco. These guys are like women. Even I need less time than these two.

"What is Alissa doing in your car?" I hear Marco asking.

"We're going out tonight," Mario says with a proud voice.

"Oh, I see," Marco says with disappointment.

"Well, bye!" Mario shouts to Marco when he sits next to me. "I'm gonna drop you off at your place and pick you up in hour and an half, wear something fancy," he says with a smirk.

"What? Why? Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see," he smirks again.

Hour and an half later, I'm ready. A normal girl would wear a black cocktail dress for this occasion, but I'm not normal. Yes, this yellow dress should be okay. Wow. I really need some normal clothes.

Finally, Mario arrives. Damn, he looks really good in a suit. "Whoa," he says.

"What? Do I look this awful?" I ask.

"No, it's just... you look... uhh... different, but like really pretty," he says.

"Thanks. So, where are we going today?" I ask.

"You'll see," he smirks.

"Fancy restaurant?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, kinda," he smiles.

"Holy shit," is the only thing that comes out of my mouth when we arrive at this place.

"Yeah, I know," he says. We go inside and it looks magical. Everything is so pretty here.

"Seat for the lady," Götze offers me the seat. He sure does know manners. If a guy acts like a gentleman, it's probably one of the hottest thing in the world. "Thank you," I say, because gentleman needs a lady.

The waiter hands us the menus and I can't understand anything. It's like French mixed with Russian. Maybe it's only French, maybe it's only Russian, I have no idea. "What will you order?" Mario asks me.

"Uhh, this, this and this," I say and point at random things in the menu.

He nods his head. "Good choice," he says.

The waiter takes our orders. I think it's best to talk things straight. "So, Mario, you've been very grumpy lately. Tell me about it. Why?"

"Uhh... look very pretty today," he tries to talk about something else.

"Yes, I know, thanks, but really, What bothers you?" I ask.

"Fine. I'll tell you. It all started when we met. I thought you were and you still are, the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I wanted to make you mine. But then, your brother called and said that you have a crush on Marco. I was hurt. And then, you came here and of course, everybody started liking you. Erik and Manuel and Toni and even his FUCKING brother, Felix!" His eyes were all teary.

"Mario, are you jealous?" He nods his head. "Why?"

"It's just... I'm gonna tell you a secret. Please don't tell nobody, okay?" I nod. "I'm kinda... I don't like the way I am. After I went to Bayern, I've been insecure about myself. Everytime we play against Borussia, I'm booed out. It hurts. A lot." He breaks down crying and I'm holding back tears.

"Mario..." I never know what to say at these moments. I usually screw up really bad. "You know, that BVB fans are the craziest, but I'm sure, at some point, they will forgive you."

"They won't, I know this."

"Maybe you should go back to Dortmund, maybe they will forgive you then?" Oh poor boy.

"I can't, not now. Plus, they don't have the money to buy me back," he explains.

"But when will your contract end?" I ask.

"In 2017, but I don't think they want me back," he quietly says.

"How would you possibly know that?"

"Klopp wasn't very happy, when I left."

"Don't you ever lose hope," I try to calm him.

"Whatever, can we just talk about something else?" He asks and the appetizer is served. We both eat it quietly. After we've finished, we sit there awkwardly.

I try to break the silence. "So... uhh... let's do this that you ask me something and I answer and then you answer to your question and then the other way around. Wanna do this?"

"Okay. What's your favourite colour?" He asks.

"Black and turquoise. Yours?"

"Mine would have to be red and black," he smiles.

"My turn! Tell me, who can't you live without?" I ask him.

He smiles again. "I think you know that. Marco, of course."

And we talked and talked. Ate our main and talked again. Finally it's time for dessert. I look down and "Oh my god, cheesecake! I accidentally ordered cheesecake!"

"I love it when you're happy," he smiles again.

Eventually, it's time to leave. He sends me to my home or actually, Basti's home.

"Thank you, Alissa. It was good to finally talk about my feelings. Thanks," he gives me a kiss on the cheek.


OH GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I'M SO SORRY! That chapter was so depressing I almost cried. After that game BVB vs FCB, I felt so bad for Mario. That's why I wrote it. I love BVB, but that wasn't really nice.

I love all your comments! Keep them coming! I wanna answer them all, but I don't know what to answer!

Don't forget to vote & comment! I love you all!

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