Chapter 4. GUUD NEWSAHH!!

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Toni and my brother were best friends until 9th grade. Then he had to move. He and my brother always tried to hook me up with Toni's brother, Felix. That didn't work out, because I had a huge crush on Toni. Finally, we even started dating and then I lost... something to him. After that, things got very awkward between me, my brother and Toni, so we broke up.

"What are you doing here? I've missed you so much! Is your brother still mad at me?" He asks.

"Calm down! Well, I'm gonna work with you, I've missed you too, and no, I don't think so." I answer him.

"We should do something. Together. Just you and me". He says.

I can't say anything, because Marco and Mario are here. "GUUD NEWSSAHH! The job is yours!" Mario screams.

"Well, we better get going then," Marco says.

We got to the field. Jogi starts talking to me. "Aah, you must be Alissa. Nice to meet you. Alissa, these are the kids you're gonna work with. Kids, this is Alissa. Well, sometimes this is like kindergarten and you are the teacher. I hope you can handle them right now, because I'm getting a coffee and I'm gonna leave you alone with them. Good luck, you'll need it."

"Alright then," I say. After 5 minutes I heard someone scream: "OUCH, CRAMPS, I TOTALLY HAVE THEM, PLEASE COME HERE!"

I go there and he smiles at me. "You actually don't have cramps, do you?" I say.

"No," he says and smiles again. His smile is adorable.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, then you must be Erik," I say.

"Wow, you're pretty and smart." he says.

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