Chapter 29. "Siblings" bonding time.

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There I am, in this fancy dress shop. "Do you need any help?" This girl asks me. Her name tag says Melanie.

"Uhh, yes, I need a dress for me. Like a formal dress or something like that," I answer. "Oh, right, and he needs a dress, too," I point at Basti. "Can you find the most ridiculous one for him?"

"But he's a guy?" the girl looks at me confused.

"That's the point," I say.

"Alright, so, for you a pretty dress and for him, an awful dress?" She asks.

"Yes! You're right!" I smile.

"Okay, sit down and read a magazine, I'll find you and him a perfect dress," she smiles. I don't think she watches football. Like come on, a football fangirl would go crazy seeing Basti. But not her, she was so calm.

After 5 minutes, she returns with 2 dresses. One is black, I think that's mine and other one is bright pink, basically ball gown. "So, this is yours, try it on," she hands me the black dress. "And you, sir, are going to try this."

Basti gives her a death glare. "Really?"

"Well, it was her idea, so blame her," she chuckles.

"I don't know why I agreed to this," he sighs.

"Go on, you're first," I say and push him to the dressing room. And now, I wanna find out does Melanie knows who Basti is.

"Hey, little question, do you like football?" I ask her.

"Is that important?" She asks back.

"Do you know who's in the dressing room right now?" I ask again.

"No? Should I know him?"

"He's a football player," I explain.

"I'm sorry, I don't really care. I mean, I've tried to watch it, but I find it boring, sorry," she says.

"Oh," is the only thing that I can say. Wow. I've never met somebody like her. And then, Schweini interrupts me. He comes out of the dressing room. If looks could kill, I would be so dead right now. "I hate you," he says.

"This is perfect, we'll take it. I'm gonna try on my dress now," I go to the dressing room, put on the dress and show it to Basti. "What do you think?" I ask.

"Oh, Alissa," he sighs. "The guys will go crazy when they see you in that, especially Julian," he starts laughing.

"Wow, you really want us to be together, don't you?" Even thinking about it makes me wanna puke. He's a nice guy and all, but he is my best friend.

"You look so cute together, plus he's a nice guy," he smirks.

"Whatever, pay for the dresses!" I command.

"Ughh, fine," he rolls his eyes.

He pays for them and we go to the car. "I don't get it. Why do you want me to be with Julian?" I ask.

"Because, he is nice and weird, kinda like you," he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask him again.

"I don't know, don't ask me questions. You know, when you marry him, I'll be your bridesmaid," he giggles.

"This won't happen, you know that. Also, I know, you're going to be my maid of honour, no matter who I marry with," I smile.

"No! Only Julian!" He shouts.

"I'm gonna turn into a bridezilla and eat you all!" I shout back.

Then we sat there quietly about 5 minutes. Then, Basti starts talking. "You are like a little sister I never had. I love you. As a sister, of course."

"Aww, Basti, you are exactly like my big brother, Tim. I guess now I have 4 brothers, Tim, Thomas, Poldi and you."


Bundesliga starts tomorrow! I'm so happy!

So, who do you ship?

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