So why are you really here?

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Saturday had gone pretty well and now it was Sunday morning. 

I had done a lot of running around to get things for around the house. Food, cleaning supplies and even some stuff to make it a bit more personal. 

I was waiting in line to check out and pay for the candles and flowers I wanted (I’m a sucker for candles), and just as I set my stuff down, my phone buzzed in my purse. 

I ignored it while I paid for my items. As I grabbed my bags, I felt it buzz again. Just outside the store I searched my purse and the third buzz allowed for me to find it much quicker.

I pulled it out and began checking my texts as I walked back towards the apartment. Harry had texted. 



*Can you be ready in an hour??

What? Why???

*Where are we going???  I responded.

*Just to our place. The boys and I are having a movie night with a few friends. Care to join?

I thought about it for a second. It would be nice to see everyone. I didn’t have any work from the office just yet since I’d just started……

My phone buzzed again.

I looked down and read: 

*Don’t think about it too much. You know you’re going to say yes and come over, so just cut to the chase. I’ll see you in a bit. 

Another text was sent from him with the address in it. 

I raced home and changed quickly, staying in casual wear, a pair of black legging a pink hoodie and Uggs (picture on the first page fo the chapter). I put on a little bit of make up and threw my wild, wavy hair in a bun.

Hopped in a cab and it took a little longer than I expected, but when the car stopped my jaw dropped. The house didn’t look much like a house. Not quite as big as a mansion, but it was big and absolutely gorgeous. 

I shouldn’t have expected anything less, but I was still in awe of the beautiful home.

I was about to knock when the door opened, Harry standing in the door frame. “Hey Ava!” he said as he hugged me and picked me up at the same time. 

My stomach flopped. 

I awkwardly smiled and thank goodness Niall came up and interrupted by giving me a hug, not quite as enthusiastic as Harry’s, but a good hug anyway. The other boys did the same and then two girls came up behind the boys. 

Zayn spoke up and introduced the girls, "'Ello Ava. This is me fiancé, Perrie, and this is Sophia, Liam’s girlfriend.”

“Hi! Nice to meet you guys!”

They both smiled and said it was nice to meet me too. They were so gorgeous, it was a bit off-putting, but I tried not to be one of those girls who let insecurities get her down. 

“Okay!” Niall says, “ We’re going to pick the first movie! And it shall beeeeee……” He sticks his hand in a hat that seems to have a bunch of crumpled up papers.


Everyone seems to talk at once about how funny it is and seemed overall happy with the decision. Everyone situated themselves on the couches. Louis, then Liam and Sophia, then Zayn and Perrie, Niall and me and Harry. Harry asked everyone if they wanted popcorn and everyone seemed to mumble “yes”.

I was looking away from Harry towards the others when I felt his hand on mine attempting to pull me up from the couch.

“Come on! You’re going to help me with the popcorn. I’d ask Niall, but he eats it quicker than I can make it.”

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