Movies and Dinner

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-Ava’s POV-

Things had gotten significantly better since the other night when Harry came over. We seemed to be back to usual. Friends, a little flirty here and there, but nothing worth worrying about.

He would come in my office even if the boys didn’t have any meetings and just hang out and distract me for a while, which was nice seeing as spending so much time in an office can make you a bit stir crazy.

We had a big meeting this week that I got to be a part of, and I was secretly hoping the boys would be there too.

I walked in with my notebook ready to take notes and whatnot but I soon realized this was a meeting about the boys, but wasn’t actually involving them. Mildred sat next to me at the table and some man I’d never seen before began talking. He ran through a lot of the stuff I already knew. That the boys were doing great, Directioners were basically ruling Twitter with this fandom, the boys last album had been doing great since its release and then they started talking about their personal lives, which made me feel like I was invading their privacy. Why were we talking about that in this meeting?

The man began talking again, “So as we all know the media and fans seem to like the couples we have right now, Zayn and Perrie, Liam and Sophia, Eleanor and Louis. But I think we need a little push with Harry.”

Wait… What???

“As many of you know the fans joke about a December girlfriend and we’re slowly creeping toward the winter season. So I think it’d be ideal to pair him with someone everyone knows. Someone in the media’s eye and make them the “it” couple. Knowing Harry he won’t like it, but he likes his job, so he’ll do it. My candidate in mind at this moment is Kendall Jenner. I’ve spoken to her reps and they agree that this would beneficial for them both, so we’ll be flying Harry out to LA so they can begin to go on dates and hang out. We only need this for a bit and then we’ll need Harry single again.”

Everyone seemed to talk amongst themselves agreeing that it was a great idea, but my stomach made me feel like I was going to vomit. Seriously? Kendall Jenner? The KUWTK sister? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Mildred must have noticed something was wrong and asked if I was okay.

“Yeah, yeah, may I be excused I just need the bathroom.”

“Of course dear”, she responded, “You can just go back to your work, this meeting is basically over anyway.”

A few hours later I was on my way home.

My phone vibrates, as I check it a smile creeps on my face. Harry had been coming over lately to make dinner and hang out. We’d just been talking and getting to know each other. We’d become really close and maybe that’s what these so called feelings were. Not actual feelings, just me being a protective friend. 

My mind drifts back to the text I just got.

*Management wants me for a meeting tomorrow. Booooooo. I’m heading over now since you obviously don’t know how to cook a decent dinner without me.

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