Little Black Dress

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I was back at the apartment trying to figure out what to wear. I was already pretty bad at pairing outfits, but now the pressure was on. I was hanging out with One Direction. My sister was going to LOSE IT. 

I was still reeling about this whole situation.

I mean, if I was being honest I was a decent looking girl. Dark hair, light eyes, short, but not too short, with a decent build. I mean I didn’t have a six pack because cookies and In-N-Out was way too amazing for me to give up, but I wasn’t fat by any means.

However, I was still astounded that these guys wanted to hang out with me. 

But I wasn't complaining. They probably just wanted someone to hang out with. 

I hadn’t brought much by the way of clubbing outfits, but I had a cute little black dress that would work. (Picture of dress on the first page of this chapter.)

I paired it with my black pumps from today and a studded bow bracelet my mom had bought me for my birthday last year. 

I quickly did straightened my hair and then I went on Pinterest to check on some make up ideas. I wasn’t great on coming up with this stuff on my own. 

In the end I painted a pretty winged black eye liner on my eyes, put on a decent amount of mascara and some bright red lip stick. Kind of vintage, pin up-ish makeup. 

I took as step back and realized this was more put together than I had looked in months. 

I grabbed money and my ID and stuffed them into my bra (classy, right?) and was off. 

Didn’t take too long for the cab to get me to The Funky Buddha (yeah, I’d finally had to google what the heck it was called).

I got out of the car and gave the bouncer my name, hoping that Niall had remember because if not I would be screwed and stuck outside. 

Luckily, my name was on the list and the bouncer had someone escort me inside to the VIP area. Fancy. 

As soon as I got closer I could hear Niall’s loud, obnoxious laugh. Made me smile, his laugh was crazy but kind of funny too. 

He and Harry got up immediately and gave me a quick hug and then Niall yelled over the loud music to the three other boys sitting around the table.


“Hey Ava!” “Hi!” “Hello there!”, they each yell at the same time. I respond with a hello and Harry points to the seating area letting me know to sit near him and Niall. Thank goodness because getting to know people in a loud club is difficult. I’d rather sit near people I know. Or.. Kind of know, anyway.

Harry said something, but I couldn’t quite hear him. “What????!?” I responded. 

Again he was saying something, but I couldn’t hear. I got closer to be able to hear him properly, but he must have had the same idea because we bumped foreheads, which kind of hurt. 

We both burst out laughing. Harry got closer and yelled in my ear, “I’m really glad you showed up!”

I motioned towards myself and put up two fingers stating "me too”, without having to continue yelling. 

At that moment a girl, a VERY pretty and fit girl, brought out drinks and began pouring from some very expensive looking bottles. She handed us each a drink and her eyes lingered on Harry. Obviously she knew who he was and his good looks were evident in her eyes. 

He didn’t seem to notice as he was yelling across the table to Liam and when he still hadn’t turned towards her after a few seconds, she left in a huff. 

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