Episode 1 - Disbanding!?

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A sign that said "Disbanding" was hung outside of a club room's door.

Josh: Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you a week ago... Hiyaka told me to inform you guys that our club was to be disbanded in a week if we can't maintain enough members.
Nana: You couldn't have told us sooner?!
Josh: It completely passed my mind...
Kankan: oh no... What are we to do now?
Nana: We only have one more hour until school ends and that devil arrives.
Josh: Hey Roaren, any ideas?
Roaren: Why don't you actually come up with an idea for once?
Josh: Haha! Me? I guess the group really does heavily depend on the infamous Josh after all huh?
Everyone: (annoyed) No... nobody said that.
Kankan: I guess this is the end for our club huh?... the end of us...
Isuki: No way! I won't let it end like this! There's gotta be a way!
Nana: Knowing Hiyaka, he won't make any exceptions. I guess we don't have a choice. We have to run out and recruit a member within the remaining one hour.
Isuki: Alright then! It's settled! Everyone! Mission: Last Resort Recruitment! Scatter!
Josh: We still have one more class session to attend...
Nana: We'll meet back here thirty minutes after our next class.
Josh: sounds good to me.
Roaren: Understood.
Kankan: I-I'll  try my best!
Isuki: Okay! To our next classes!
Nana: You never seize to chill...


(End of last class session)
Huko: Come On. I can do this! I've been rehearsing in front mirrors and my siblings!.. ah who am I kidding.. my siblings all laughed at me and my mirror is just a reflection of myself cheering myself on... But I can't give up! It's my dream. I have to do this! I wanna do this!

Huko: (facing a tree rehearsing his lines)
Alice... you don't have to do this... forget... replaced? Nonsense!

Bully 1: Hey weirdo. What's this! Making out with a tree?

Bully 2: Haha. What a loser. I guess tree huggers really are a thing.

Huko: N-no. This isn't what it looks like. I was just rehearsing a few lines for an audition.

Bully 1: Aw man, an audition? Acting? That's so lame!

Bully 2: Probably gonna be dancing and singing and stuff. Haha!

Josh: (hastily passing by)

Huko: P-please. I don't want any problems-

Josh: (deep bad ass voice)
What are you two punks doing with my prey?

Bully 1: Huh? Who the hell are you?

Josh: You've never heard of me?... let me give you a hint... Roar...

Bully 2: R-Roaren?! Dude! He's that intimidating 4th year that the whole school's been talking about!

Bully 1: W-What?! N-no way!


Bullies (both): AAAHH! Y-YES SIR! AAAAHHH!
(Runs away.)

Huko: R-Roaren?... A-another bully! EH, He's huge!

Josh: (stares at Huko's paper scripts on the ground with eagerness and a sinister smile.)
You're coming with me!
(Picks him up on his shoulders and runs off with him.)



(A few minutes before Hiyaka's arrival)
Nana: Did you guys recruit anyone?
Isuki: I think I scared them off more than recruiting them...
(Flashback during Tsuki's recruit)
Student 1: what is wrong with them?...
Student 2: I don't want to be enlisted in the army! aaaah! Mommy!
(Resumes to present time)
Isuki: heheheh...
Nana: I see... anyone else?
Roaren: People kept their distances from me... I don't why...
(Flashback of Roaren's recruit)
Roaren: Please. I need you to join my club-
Student 1: I-it's him! The most bad ass of them all!We better keep our distance from him.
Student 2: Yeah.. wouldn't wanna get in the way of Roaren the Terror...
(Resumes to Present time)
Roaren: Odd... Me the Terror?

Nana: Hmm... Then Kankan, any luck with you?
Kankan: I-I'm sorry. I couldn't find anyone. I-I did my best tho!
Kankan: W-would you please like to join my group? W-we need one more person to fill up-
Student 1: Awwww Kankan, you're so cute! Why do you have to be so adorable!
Kankan: Ah, n-no! I wasn't trying to! P-please hear me out!
Student 2: sorry Kanishimi! We gotta run!
(Resumes to present time)
Kankan: (sighs)... I'm sorry...
Nana: Tsk, don't worry, it's okay. As for me, I wasn't so successful myself either. This isn't good. Let alone can we depend on Josh. I'm sorry guys. Looks like this is it for us.
Roaren: It was an Honor to work with you all.
Isuki: (Crying and whining) Waaaaahhh! This isn't fair!

(Josh arrives just in time with a passed out person on his shoulders.)
Nana: Josh, who is that you're carrying?
Josh: oh, this guy? I think his name is Hippo.
(Nana pinches his cheeks to wake him up.)
Huko: (wakes up and stands on his feet against the door of the club.)
Ow! Ehteh. W-where am I?! W-who are you people?!
Nana: I have a feeling you didn't just "recruit" him...
Josh: Haha! Whaaaat? Of course I did!

Hiyaka: Greetings.~
Everyone else: (startled)
Hiyaka: Today's the day. Aren't you all excited?~
Huko: (in between Hiyaka and the group in front of the door)
Hiyaka: Huh? Who's this guy?
Huko: Eh, I uh-
Josh: He's my best friend! He's been with the club ever since a month ago!
Hiyaka: Oh really?
Huko: W-wait I don't even-
Josh: (wraps an arm around him getting all buddy buddy)
Haha yeah! He was busy lately studying and all this month so he would come here and there. Completely forgot he existed, but he's still a faithful and loyal member!
Hiyaka: I see, and your name must be-
Josh: Hippo!
Huko: Huko...
Josh: Huko!
Hiyaka: Huko. Say, you're that transfer student correct?
Huko: Y-yes sir.
Hiyaka: I see. Well then. I guess the club remains active. Congrats, now if you'll excuse me. See ya.~
Josh: (smiling brightly) heheheh.

Huko: I should be going-
Isuki: Huko! Nice to meet you! I'm Isuki! And that guy who kidnapped you is Josh!
Huko: H-huh? Woah!
Kankan: Nice to meet you. My name is-
Josh: Oh no, no again...
Kankan: Kanashimi Momi Hana Sora Lucia Lizabeth Momiko.
Huko: Kana...mo... Moshi.. Beth?
Kankan: Everybody else calls me Kankan for short. Everybody else in this club that is.
Josh: And I'm Josh! Don't mind the kidnapping tho!
Roaren: The name's Roaren. Pleasure to meet ya.
Nana: Oi Oi, calm down everyone. Don't mind any of them. Especially lunk head Josh. I'm Nana. Welcome to the VAGasms club. We're happy to have ya.
Huko: I didn't... wait what?


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