Episode 5 - Redeeming Qualities (pt 2)

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Camellia: Huko! What's the answer to this question?
Huko: Ah. Uh- i don't know...
Camellia: Pity. Pay attention next time.
Huko: Y-yes mam.
Class: (laughing at him)
Kana: Geez. What's wrong with him? He's a total idiot.

- - -

Camellia: Alright class, community partners make sure to close up when you're finished.
Huko: Yes mam.
Kana: Hahaha, I prefer the strawberry pockysticks.
Huko: Ah, Kana. Would you please stay to help-
Kana: I've got no time to waste on this lame work. Do it yourself. See ya.
Huko: O-oh, but- guys cmon. Take this seriously.
Kana: (Monologue) What a moron. What kind of person would volunteer for such a dumb activity. On top of that, Huko, you're a total loser, a fool and a failure. Well, it's none of my business. He'll learn sooner or later.

- - -

Student 1: oh? He's running around the school? I thought he was part of the voice acting club, not the sports club.
Student 2: Hmm, weird. Oh, What's wrong with you Kana?
Kana: (laying face down on desk) Tsk...
Student 1: She's been like this all day.
Kana: (smacks hands on desk and stands up) I cant take this anymore! I'm leaving early, you girls walk home without me.

Huko: whew, that's the last lap. Nana wasn't kidding. She's scary. Okay, gotta check this in then attend the last few minutes of club.
Kana: (steps in front of him) Hey.
Huko: Oh, Kana?
Kana: You're living your life all wrong.
Huko: excuse me?
Kana: Haven't you ever heard of "knowing your own limit?" You realize you're a nobody right? Try as long as you like, but you'll never be like Joshua Maximum. Your fate was decided once you were brought into this world. You sound obnoxious when you're practicing your lines and You're an embarrassment at that too; You're too slow, too clumsy and too stupid. Figure it out already! Give up voice acting and get rid of that stupid smile of yours! Find something that's more suited to you!
Huko: Mm...
Kana: (sighs) This is all for your own good. See ya.
Huko: I see...

- - -

Isuki: Hey, remind me why Huko's running around the school again?
Josh: Oh, about that, he said something about chores and cleaning after school.
Roaren: Sounds mature of him. I think he's participating in the school's community service.
Nana: yes, normally it shouldn't take him that long to finish. But for tardiness, he's running punishment laps before coming to each club session.
Kana: (Gasping and feeling guilty + monologue) what kind of punishment is that? What kind of club are they?
Kankan: Aw, I just hope he's okay. I miss him.
Josh: Me too. I miss having that little butthead follow ol senpai around.
Kana: H-hey. Is it true Huko's been late everyday?
Josh: Er... yeah.
Roaren: And who may you be?
Josh: Ah, she's Miss Bummer from our-
Kana: (pinches his ear)WHERE IS HUKO?!
Josh: Aaaaahh! He's running laps still!

- - -

Kana: What the hell?! What the hell is wrong with him?! God he pisses me off! Why didn't he just tell them it was my fault?!
Huko: One- more- lap.
Kana: Huko!
Huko: It's as if Kana's still yelling at me...
Kana: Huko!
Huko: i know.. give up... but
kana: Huko! (Appears beside him)
Huko: Ah! You're real?!
Kana: Why didn't you tell them i was the reason you we're late?!
Huko: What're you talking about?
Kana: you're taking punishment for being late, why do you take all the punches like this?!
Huko: I'm sorry- I just-
Kana: Idiot! Just blow off the whole community shit! You can't possibly believe in being a genuine good person! Everything you're doing is wrong! You're embarrassing yourself! Just give it up!
Huko: but but-
Kana: (monologue) I don't even care for this guy, yet I can't stand seeing him like this... you don't know how scary it is... to be passionate about something, the despair of never reaching your goal...
(Back to conversation)
Use your head! Can't you see?!
Huko: You're so smart Kana... I can hardly understand anything you're saying...
kana: Gah!
Huko: but this is the only thing I can do.
Kana: listen to me-
Huko: For the first time in my life, I finally found something I like! I finally fit in; that place is my home. I know everything you're saying is probably right, and that everything I'm doing is wrong, but that's why I wanna give this a try! I never in my life felt so comfortable with what I was a part of. I know I'm stupid and that I don't have any redeeming qualities. But that's why I wanna put my life on the line to live!

Nana: well said my apprentice.
Josh: Haha hell yeah- wait what?! He's my apprentice! My student!
Roaren: Now that was very manly of you Huko.
Isuki: Mmm, I'm so proud of you Huko! You make me so proud!
Kankan: You'll always be a member of VAgasms! That's the words of a true VAgasms member!
Kana: What?.. that's...
Nana: Do you understand now Miss Bummer?
Josh: Huko, you've done me proud. Everything you said was from your heart, wasn't it?
Huko: guys... Yeah!
Kana: (monologue)
I get it now... I get why this guy annoys me so much... I was jealous of his happiness... and his determination... he'll continue to live his life in this naive and straight forward way, even if he gets beaten down for it... because in reality, that's how we all wanna live. Living life the wrong way... normally they can't and they hit a solid wall... they give up and eventually forget about it... that's how people grow... no, that's not real growth...

Nana: "stupid and no redeeming qualities?" I see way more than that.
Kana: (gasps)...
Roaren: I see hidden potential.
Isuki: I see a pure heart of gold.
Kankan: I see a cute and brave spirit.
Josh: Heh! I see Huko.
Huko: Everyone... (sniffs) I'll do my best!
Kana: (monologue) i see now... you're special... BakaHuko...

- - -

The End.

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