Episode 6 - A New Club Room!

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Hear My Voice!
Episode 6 - New Club Room!

Nana: Alright, listen up everyone. We need content. We need more. Lately, we've been doing nothing but sitting around and-
Josh: Practicing!
Roaren: More like screaming.
Isuki: Maybe we should try fixing up our room a bit.
Kankan: oh! Good idea! Acoustic foam panels all over the walls!
Huko: oooh, what are acoustic foam panels?
Nana: Heh. Josh, you know what to do.
Josh: Oh ho ho~ (Learning session, dramatic teaching music and sounds)
Acoustic foam panels! Those are the treasures of an audio setup! They're open celled foam panels that lessens sounds and vibration in the air, thus reducing the amplitude of sound waves.
Itsuki: And by having a few of those around in various angles of the producing sounds, it helps control the noise level and echoes.
Kankan: They're really pretty to have too! And they make everything look so professional!
Roaren: As amazing as it would be, Nana and I have decided that they're not fit for our room here.
Josh, Itsuki & Kankan: (upset noises, like "aw")
Nana: Correct. Nice explanation you three. Disappointingly, we would love to have such things, but as this is not entirely our property, we simply can't go pasting such things around the walls. Especially when most of us only have one year left. Pretty sure by then, our club will finally die off...

(Short moment of silence)

Huko: oh I see. That's a lot to take in...
Josh: Don't worry! Heheh. We'll have our fun and all by then!
Huko: But I just started...
Roaren: Alright settle down, let's get back on topic.
Huko: oh! back to the setup... why not have one of our places, as in our home, as our setup then?
Kankan: we already went through that. Most of our homes are either too small or too occupied to make proper recordings.
Isuki: Yeah... our school club room here is our best option.
Josh: Renting a place would be too much money to keep up with. Aw man... thinking about this all over again sucks.
Huko: I see... Well... there is one place...
Josh: Huh? A place?
Huko: Y-yeah... maybe.
Everyone except Huko: where?!
Huko: Uh... My place?


Kankan: Woaahhh, your place is so big! I can't believe we're at your place Huko!
Nana: Hmmm, this place is quite suitable.
Roaren: Indeed. The rooms are all quite spacious.
Isuki: Woah, baka! You live here?!
Huko: Eheh, y-yeah... Sorry for the mess.
Josh: Dude! What're you talking about?! This place is cleaner than my bedroom! Cleaner than Itsuki's face!
Nana: Where are your folks?
Huko: I uh... (distorted noises) I...
Nana: Huko?.. You okay?
Roaren: You alright?
Huko: Y-yeah, spaced out for second.
Roaren: You sure about this Huko? Wouldn't this be a bother to your parents?
Huko: My parents are actually out for an occasion.
Isuki: really?
Kankan: i see.
Nana: Not even any brothers or sisters?
Huko: Mm. Just me.
Roaren: well, We don't want to intrude-
Huko: N-no. It's okay, really. I don't mind at all. I at least want to be of some help to the group.
Nana: (serious tone) This is almost too good to be true. What's the catch?
Huko: Catch?
(A short Silent tension pause)
Nana: Ahaha. I'm just teasing you! You're so easy to tease Huko.
Huko: heheh right.

Isuki: Thanks for showing us your home Huko.
Kankan: Are you sure it's okay for us to have our club session here from now on Huko?
Huko: Yeah! It's no problem.
Roaren: I think it's a great idea. That's one way to get away from Hiyaka.
Josh: Heck yeah! That's a relief.
Nana: Alright. It's settled then. We'll meet here from now on after school everyday. Let's go home now.
Josh: (yawns) I'm beat. See ya guys.
Isuki: Bye everyone.
Roaren: Good night everyone.
Kankan: Bye!
Nana: (walks a bit then stops in front of Huko)
Don't worry Huko. We'll be here for you.
Huko: (gasp) huh?...
Nana: (smiles) heh, later Huko.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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