Demon Kiss

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Description: Warped Tour gets protested by the Westboro Baptist Church, so Awsten and Geoff decide to have a little fun with them.

759 words.


Make-up brushes are scattered everywhere, and Geoff knows that Awsten is up to something as soon as he steps onto the bus. He never uses this many brushes.

The purple-haired boy is surrounded by a mess of brushes and palettes, and everything- including him- is sprawled out on the floor in front of the couch.

Otto, the only other person on the bus at the moment, doesn't seem to have anything on his face, so what's with all of the brushes?

"Hey Aws, what're you doin'?" Geoff asks, walking up behind Awsten.

Awsten is facing away from him, and the body mirror he has turned sideways is angled so that Geoff can't see his face.

"So, you heard WBC is protesting today, right?" Awsten begins, and Geoff hums a confirmation.

"Well, I thought we could take some totally cute pics with them!" The purple-haired boy says sarcastically, and then he turns around.

His entire face is bright red, and his lips are black. He has white contacts in, and he's drawn symbols on his forehead in dark red eyeliner. His cheekbones and nose are sharper than usual, contoured with black eyeshadow.

"I think you overdid it with the blush a little," Geoff giggles out, and Awsten playfully rolls his eyes.

"You guys should make out in front of them," Otto chimes in, not looking up from his phone.

Otto is always the one to suggest things like that to the two best friends, and it always leaves Geoff a nervous wreck.

"Wha- uh- why would we, I mean-" Geoff stutters, but Awsten cuts him off.

"Dude, we absolutely should."


"Remember- you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to, but I'm down if you are."

Awsten's reassurances don't do much to stop Geoff's shaky hands. He and Awsten have been friends for years. They've been attached at the hip since highschool, and you never see one without the other close by.

Geoff has always loved Awsten- maybe as a little more than a friend.

Now, Awsten is talking about them kissing. Geoff has thought about it before, but this is it. It's going to happen, because Geoff is not going to let this opportunity pass.

Awsten is holding his hand, and the protesters can be seen in the distance. This is it.

Jawn is leading the way, a camera in one hand. He doesn't seem to be paying the other two boys much attention. Geoff stops, stopping Awsten as well.


He realized that after this, there won't be more kisses. This won't make Awsten like him- love him- like that. He is going to get enough of Awsten to taste, and then never have him ever again. He also realized that it isn't fair to Awsten for him to kiss him when the purple-haired boy doesn't know about his feelings.

"I- um, I don't wanna do Otto's i-idea," Geoff stammers, hating to disappoint the boy next to him.

Awsten nods and- despite his harsh make-up- gives Geoff a soft smile.

"That's okay, Gee. Can I ask why?"

Geoff has a decision to make; he can tell Awsten the truth, or he can shrug it off as just not being comfortable with the situation. If he tells Awsten the truth, things will change. Is he ready to deal with that?

His voice shakes a little as he decides to be brave.

"Because it'll never happen again a-after this."

Awsten looks confused for a moment, then realization brightens his white eyes.

Leave it to Geoff to confess his feelings to Awsten while he's in demon make-up.

"Well, it can happen more after this- if you want it to?" Awsten says, sounding nervous. The purple-haired boy is usually very confident and outgoing, but when it comes to expressing his feelings outside of his songs, he becomes slightly more timid.

Geoff nods and smiles, fireworks going off in his body.


The picture (and the kiss) turned out great. Otto was shocked, to say the least.

"Y'know, it's weird to think about the fact that one of the most homophobic churches in America helped get us together. If they hadn't protested, we wouldn't've kissed. Wild shit," Awsten says through a mouth-full of popcorn. His demon make-up is gone, although the red eyeshadow stained his skin a little.

"Wild shit," Geoff agrees, pulling the snacking boy closer.

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