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Description: Awsten has never seen snow. One day while on tour, the boys wake up to a bus lot filled with snow and ice. Geoff is particularly excited to see Awsten's reaction.

745 words.


Bright light leaks through the closed curtains on the bus. For a moment, Geoff thinks that they've woken up late, but the light looks colder than normal sunlight. He shoots a curious look toward the bleary-eyed boy with curly hair.

Otto just shrugs and continues trying to convince the coffeemaker to work. It's simply too early.

Geoff rolls his eyes playfully and opens the curtains above the sink. "Oh, shit."

"Hm?" Otto hums, his attention finally captured.

"Dude, look." Geoff says, and just as Otto finally leans over and looks out of the glass, both boys hear a prominent "duuuuude!" come from the bunk area.

Jawn comes through the bunk area door a few seconds later, an excited smile on his face. He looks wide awake, despite his bed head and pajamas.

"Are you guys seein' this shit? I've seen snow like, twice. Awsten's never seen it at all. I hope we have some winter clothes we can dig up-" Jawn rambles, already unpacking some camera gear. He probably already has ideas for snow pictures.

"Wait, what?" Geoff interrupts, and Otto shambles back over to the coffeemaker.

"We didn't plan on seeing snow, so I doubt we have any clothes for it, but I'm sure we can just layer some long sleeve shirts and then a few jackets-" Jawn answers, wiping off a lens.

"No, not that. Did you say that Aws has never seen snow?" The brunet clarifies, casting a glance toward the bunk area where the purple-haired boy is still sleeping.

"Oh, yeah. We talked about it a couple of weeks ago, actually. It never gets cold enough in Texas."



Gentle hands shake Awsten, and he takes a moment to grumble about being woken up.

"Get up, I have a surprise," Geoff says, rubbing the purple-haired boy's shoulder.

"What is it?" Awsten asks, sitting up and yawning.

"You'll see. Put these clothes on- all of them- and don't look outside," Geoff says, setting a bundle of clothes onto the bunk's mattress. He then disappears, leaving the slightly confused boy to do as he said.

A few minutes later, Awsten comes out of the bunk area, wearing a pair of jeans and two pairs of sweatpants over top, two long-sleeved shirts, a short-sleeved shirt, a jacket, a beanie, and three pairs of socks. "There better be a good reason for all of this."

Otto snorts at Awsten's bulky form, and Jawn takes a quick picture.

"There is," Geoff says. The three other boys are also wearing a bit more clothing than usual.

"Close your eyes and I'll lead you. We're going outside," the brunet says, taking Awsten's hands and leading him out of the bus door. Otto goes out first in case Geoff- who's walking backwards while leading Awsten- missteps, and Jawn follows out last, a camera filming the group in front of him.

As soon as Awsten steps onto the snow, he has to fight the urge to open his eyes. "Uh, what the fuck was that? What am I stepping on?"

"You're fine," Geoff says and Jawn closes the door behind himself.

The entire bus lot is filled with cold white powder. It covers everything in a three inch thick layer, and there's still more falling. It's not coming down heavily, but little puffs of snow float through the air, falling leisurely.

"Okay, open 'em," Geoff says, and Awsten's eyes fly open.

"What the fuuuuuck," Awsten whispers, looking around at the blinding white with squinted eyes.

He takes a moment to look up at the sky, and then gently squats down to look at the snow beneath his feet. He pokes his finger down into the snow, and then pulls it back out.

His quiet moment of exploration is being caught on camera, and the camera also catches his shift from curiosity to deviousness. He scoops up a handful of the snow and quickly compresses it into a ball, then throws it at Geoff.

The following events escalate quickly, with Jawn claiming that he's on the 'do not hit' list since he's holding a camera, and Otto and Geoff building a pitiful wall of snow to protect themselves against Awsten's newly found affinity for throwing snowballs.

Love Notes In The Kitchen (Gawsten One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now