Sleep Deprived

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Description: Awsten is sleep deprived and Geoff takes care of him.

1058 words.


Awsten Knight is that kid- the one that everyone loves. He has a bubbly personality that reminds some people of Cat from Victorious- minus the idiocy. Geoff often tells him that he's a ray of sunshine in human form, but the blue-haired boy disagrees. He thinks Geoff is sunshine in human form. He loves Geoff.

He needs Geoff.

Because there are some days that Awsten feels like a ghost. The lights in the classroom are so bright that they pierce straight through his translucent form, and every voice that isn't speaking in a specific soft tone is too harsh. These sleep deprived days are the days he needs Geoff the most. He needs Geoff to provide a soft voice and gentle non-poisonous touches. He needs Geoff to convince him to leave school early, not entirely having to fake the sick feeling in his tummy, and go to bed.

And Geoff does.

Today is one of those days.

It's too early and the bus is too loud. The engine's noise causes Awsten's nerves to feel stretched and frayed. His thoughts are caught in a spiderweb and he can't seem to pull them free.

The ride is only fifteen minutes, but it takes too long and the blue-haired boy's tummy feels chaotic every time the bus takes a turn. He knows he isn't sick. He's just tired.

Sleep deprivation is so much more than just being sleepy. It makes you feel sick. It makes you feel like you're not human. It makes your brain and body malfunction.

Awsten hasn't slept in nearly forty hours.

"Hey, Aws? You okay?" Otto, the boy in the seat across from Awsten, asks in a concerned tone.

Otto is friends with everyone, so when Awsten shakes his head and pulls his sleeves over his hands, Otto pulls out his phone and texts Geoff a warning.

awsten isn't doin so good. u should probably take him home today- ill call for yall around 9.

Geoff is usually waiting in the lobby for Awsten, but today, thanks to Otto's heads up, he meets the blue-haired boy outside. The sun hasn't fully come up yet, so the late-autumn chill bites at his nose.

Awsten makes his way across the courtyard and walks right into Geoff, pressing his face into the taller boy's chest. Geoff wraps his arms around him and kisses the top of his head.

Otto isn't far behind. He doesn't say anything, he just hands Geoff a granola bar and gives him a 'talk soon' look before going into the school.

Geoff gently directs Awsten into the building after a moment, and hands him the granola bar. "Eat this, it'll make you feel better. Otto handed it to me."

Awsten shakes his head. "Feel sick. Don't wanna."

"When's the last time you ate?"

Awsten thinks for a moment. "Yesterday at lunch."

Geoff makes a sound of disapproval. "You skipped dinner and breakfast- you've been feeling sick since last night, haven't you? Please eat, doll. It might make you feel better."

Awsten groans in malcontent but takes the granola bar anyway. He opens it and begins nibbling on it.

Geoff glances at the clock on the wall in the lobby. Half past 7am.

He pulls out his phone and texts Otto.

Better make it around 8. He's really not doing well.


Eight o'clock takes forever to roll around. Awsten is in his first period class, shakily fidgeting with his sleeves, when Otto's voice comes over the classroom's individual intercom.

"Can I see Awsten Knight at the attendance desk, please? He may be going home."

"He's on his way!" Mr. Way responds loudly so that his voice can be heard through the intercom system, and nods at Awsten.

Thank God for friends who work in the office during their free periods.

Awsten stands and unsteadily makes his way out of the room. He walks to the office with his eyes half open and sees Geoff waiting for him outside of the doorway.

The brunet grasps his hand and leads him to the attendance desk.

There's a few other office workers milling around, seeing as it's still an hour before their morning break, so Otto smiles professionally. "Both of your moms called and said they need you home immediately. You can drive the both of you, right Geoff? Your mom said you could."

Geoff nods and accepts both check-out slips. Awsten nods gratefully at Otto, unable to verbally thank him with all the other workers around. The curly-haired boy gives an empathetic smile in response.

Geoff carefully leads the blue-haired boy out of the office and through the front doors. The cold air hits them and Awsten stops for a moment before continuing across the parking lot.

The brunet thinks Awsten isn't going to be able to get to the car for a moment. He's never seen him this sleep deprived.

He helps Awsten into his seat, and the tired boy slouches into it, the comforting peaches and cream scent of the car instantly relaxing him.

Geoff fastens his seatbelt for him and closes the door as quietly as possible. It's still too loud.

The blue-haired boy squeezes his eyes shut after his vision doubles. Seeing has been troublesome so far today. He keeps seeing things out of the corner of his eye, and it makes him more anxious than usual.

His boyfriend rejoins him in the car- as quietly as possible- and puts the key in the ignition. He glances over at the smaller boy in the passenger seat. "Are you okay, doll?"

"Mhm, let's go," Awsten mumbles out, and the brunet starts the car and turns the heat on

The blue-haired boy blinks, and when he opens his eyes again he sees Geoff's house. He jostles a little, and realizes that the brunet is carrying him toward the front door of the house. He lets Geoff carry him, and falls asleep before he even gets in the house.


When Awsten wakes up next, there's no light coming in through the window, and he's got his back pressed against Geoff's chest. The brunet is softly snoring. He breathes deeply, and allows sleep to take him again.

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