Chapter 23

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Walking into the arena, I read the big sign that is hanging up the top. The Vamps: Meet The Vamps Tour // Sold Out. I almost squeal in excitement as Larissa and I come up to the ticket booth. One more step and then we’re inside.

“Ticket please,” the ticket master says in a bored voice.

Larissa hands the man the tickets, as she was the one holding on to them. The man takes them. He reads over them and then stamps them. He hands our tickets back to Larissa, replying with a “you can now go through.”

She smiles at the man, before walking through the double doors that are at the side of the ticket booth. Surprisingly there was no line when we went to go in. Just a few people standing behind us. I suppose that still counts as a line, but it wasn’t a huge line.

Instead of asking Larissa where we are seated, I just end up following her. I mean, she’s going to lead me to the spot one way or another. She walks up the middle and I assume she’s going to stop where the seated bit ends, but no. She keeps walking until we reach the pit. The pit is basically the front bit, where everyone stands. It might sound a bit weird, but I’ve always wanted to stand in a pit at a concert and it looks like tonight I will be able to!

We push our way to the front of the pit. Amazingly we’ve managed to get the very front row of this whole arena! Now I can admire their beautiful faces from up close.

“How did you manage to get this?” I ask, Larissa.

“I told you,” she replies. “I know people.”

I stare at her confused. “What people?”

She opens her mouth to respond, but suddenly the lights dim. Larissa and I scream the loudest as The Vamps enter the stage. James, Connor and Brad have their guitars hanging around their necks, whereas Tristan is carrying his drumsticks.

The screams in the arena are deafening, but at the moment I don’t care. The Vamps are on stage. Like, right in front of my eyes. If one of them was close enough, I could touch them. Brad walks to the back of the stage, setting his guitar down, before coming up to the front, where his microphone is situated. James comes up to his microphone as well and Connor does the same going on the right side of Brad. Tristan goes over to his drums and sits down, getting comfortable.

“What’s up guys?” Brad yells into his microphone.

The crowd screams in response.

“I’m Brad!” he exclaims.

“I’m James!” James replies.

“I’m Connor!” Connor smiles.

“And I’m Tristan!” Tristan yells.

“And we’re The Vamps!” they yell in unison.

Larissa and I scream, along with the crowd.

“This first song is very well known. Here is Wild Heart.”

We all scream again as James starts strumming the intro. Brad’s melodic voice fills the arena and I swear I could hear most girls sigh dreamily. I wouldn’t blame them. Brad’s voice is amazing.

As the chorus comes up, everybody starts singing louder. When the chorus hits, the whole crowd screams the lyrics, along with the boys. Larissa and I jump up and down with the rest of the people in the pit. They go into the second verse as the singing from the crowd quietens down a little. But as soon as they enter the chorus again the whole arena goes crazy.

Tonight we'll dance, I’ll be yours and you'll be mine, We won't look back, Take my hand and we will shine, Oh, oh, oh, She needs a wild heart, She needs a wild heart, I got a wild heart, Oh, oh, oh, She needs a wild heart, I got a wild heart.”

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