Chapter Nine: Reconnected

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Sam, Dean and Jo came up the ladders as they told them they did the job, and the salt circle will hold him there forever. Sam walked around the hole as Jo stood above it looking down at it, as I stood next to her.

"So, this job as glamorous as you thought it would be?" I asked from the side of her, my gaze taking to her as she stares at me.

"Well, except for all the pee-your-pants terror, yeah, sure," Jo replied, I heard Sam chuckle from the side of me as he came around. "But that Thersea girl''s gonna live a life because of us," Jo states proudly, having a smile on her face. "It's worth it, isn't it?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, it is," Sam replied taking his gaze from the ground to her eyes as he spoke. But in my mind, not everyone could be saved from the Supernatural world. 

"Hey, what if somebody finds that sewer down there? Or a storm washes the salt away?" Jo asked, proving good points that it was possible. 

"Both excellent points, which - I have a feeling - is why we're waiting here," I smiled to her as she looked slightly confused. 

"For what?" She replied. But before I could reply a cement truck was reversing down the ally way that the sewer was near. 

"For that," Sam said simply pointing to the truck, making me chuckle at the idea of Dean stealing one of these. 

The truck carried on reversing, Sam guiding Dean through the mirror's, until he stopped a Sam shouted a signal to stop as the value was near enough over the opening. Dean turns off the engine and climbs out of the truck and came to us. Sam began to go to the other side and un-toggle a little pipe that was holding up. Dean came to the other side and they both flat out the pipe and it went directly over the opening of the sewer. 

"You ripped off a cement truck?" Jo asked, a surprise tone in her voice. 

 "I'll give it back," Dean states smugly, as he shrugged his shoulders before walking over to pull the lever down. Suddenly, grey subsistence came flowing down the pipe and into the opening. I stood beside Dean as we look down the sewer. 

"Well, that ought to keep him down there till hell freezes over," he states, looking up to Jo as she smiles at him and gives him a nod. 

We stood there for a while as the cement began to fill up and until it reached the top and was covered and safe to go. Dean kept his promise and returned the cement truck back to where he got it from and we were on the road again, but now it was night time, and the boys was going to take Jo and now her mother who had joined us as she was scared for her daughter. 

I sat in the back but in the middle of Jo and Sam and the car was too quite, like really quite. It was kind of peaceful. I took a deep breath as I look to Jo's mother Ellen, who took a few glances at me.

"Boy, you really weren't kidding about flying out were you?" Dean asked, taking his gaze to Ellen for a moment, as he turned back to face the road as she didn't respond. He was trying to ease the tension that filled the air, as he lied to her about knowing where Jo was the whole time.  

"How about we listen to so music?" Dean said after a moment of silence as he couldn't take it any longer. As the music began to play, Ellen quickly lent forward and turned off the music and sat back in her place, just staring at the road in front. Sam, Jo and I took glances at one another, knowing how mad her mother was. I cocked my eyebrows up for a moment, gesturing to them. 

"This is gonna be a long drive," Dean spoke I think for the last time, no one else wanted to speak or say something that might upset Ellen or annoy her even more. 

So the rest of the drive was going to be peaceful and I was thankful for that...

And I had time to break the news to them once again...


The drive was long but we came to the Road House were Ellen owned, it was a bar for hunters to come in and relax in a way. I smiled softly at the slightly run down Road House. We all got out of the car, and Ellen wrapped her hand around her daughter's arm, dragging her to the front door. 

As they both entered first, Sam, Dean and I piled behind, looking at them. "Ellen," Dean said strongly, grabbing her attention as we stepped inside full, I shutting the door behind. "This is my fault, ok? I lied to you and I'm sorry. But Jo did good out there. I think her dad would be proud,"

"Don't you dare say that. Not you," she replied, something in her face didn't like that comment like something bad happened in the past. "I need a moment with my daughter alone," Ellen states, looking to the three of us, but I knew better to get into another family drama. 

Us three went over to the Impala as they began to talk as I could hear them, but I didn't want to listen to the fighting, because I could sense something from the past was going to rise up. I jump gently onto of the hood of the Impala as Sam lent against the hood next to me. He gave a few glance as we waited. There would be hundreds of questions running through his mind right now and he wouldn't dare to ask one. Because in his mind, if he asked the wrong one, all could come tumbling down.

"Sam, Dean," I piped up after a moment, I played with my hands as I was nervous as they both looked at me. "I know things have been difficult lately --" 

"Heck yeah. First you left us, without any warning or even a real goodbye," Dean states softly, but there was anger in his tone, clear as day. "Why did you leave Gabby?" His voice almost sounded hurt.

"I left because... I thought it was the right thing to do. You both lost your Dad and I just felt in the way and there was nothing I could do to ease that pain of lost," I spoke gently to them, my eyes drifting from theirs as I felt tears forming. "You can hate me all you want for leaving you in the time you needed someone, but you have each other and there's no stronger bond than blood," I didn't look at them as I just faced forward, a tears dropped from both my eyes as I quickly blinked them away, but Sam noticed.

"We could never hate you," Sam spoke softly. "We're pissed, but we could never hate you," I turn to look at him with a smile, biting on my bottom lip as he gave me a smile back. 

"Thank you, both of you. I know we haven't known each other for long but I'm glad that I bumped into you that day, because if I didn't. I wouldn't know what I would have done with myself," 

"So does that mean your back on the team?" Dean asked, his face sorted lifted up like something he was feeling again. Maybe I could join them again, but not right now I had to do something...

"Yes, but I have to go away for a few weeks, but I will be back," I nodded to them, wiping the tears away as I slid off the car and began to grab my things from the trunk of the Impala. After I grabbed my duffel bag, I came back to the front of the car as they stared at me with sad smiles once again, but they knew they were going to see me again. I gave them another wide smile before walking away from them.

"How will you find us?!" I heard Dean shout as I stopped in my tracks and turned to face them. 

"I always find the Winchester Men... One way or another," I gave them both a cocky smile as I turned and began to wondered down the path, I could feel their eyes upon me every step of the way. 

In my heart I was glad to be back, I was glad to be back in the Winchester men's life, because soon enough they will need me, more than ever...

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