Part 8 - New Day

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Daniels Moms POV~

I came home the sun was just rising which made the houses look silhouetted. On days like these I come home hoping that my ex husband didn't get drunk usually my hopes and dreams are crushed as soon as I walk in. I unlocked the door and walked in as always my ex is on the couch sleeping with beer bottles on the coffee table. I went over and picked up the two bottles but noticed something 'broken glass?' I thought what I realized next made me want to throw my ex husband's ass in the street as he peacefully slept. Their was dried blood where the glass was. I dropped the bottles I was holding and ran upstairs. First I checked my room then David's finally I opened Daniels room, the door didn't open fully because of a chair that was in front of it David was sleeping on the side of Daniels bed where there was room, his arms crossed and his face hidden. Daniel was sleeping taking up most of the bed with bandages on the right side of his face ,the bandages had blood on them. I was happy they were okay but I had more ... important things to do than wait for them to wake up. I closed the door and stomped back down the stairs angry I went to my ex's feet and pulled him off the couch! "ACK ... The hell woman!"He got up and looked at me obviously irritated but I was beyond irritated with him "I want you OUT by five!" "What! Why, what did I do!?" We both yelled at each other "Why don't you ask Daniel he's the one with bandages on half his face!" I shouted at him "What I'm their father I would never hit them!" "WE BOTH KNOW THATS BULLSHIT AND YOU CALL SMASHING A BOTTLE OVER A KIDS HEAD BEING A FATHER" I yelled back at him "Listen I-" "NO! You listen you were never their father you were never around you hit Daniel over the head with a bottle and don't even get me started on how you treated Sarah!"(Daniels sister) I was pushing him back towards the door I reached around him and opened it "Now get out and stay out!" "WE can work this out I have nowhere else to go" "No we can't you've crossed the line never ask for mine or MY boys help ever again good day" I said calming myself a little "Bu-" "I said GOOD DAY!" I slammed the door on his face and heard him fall on his ass "Serves him right." I started making breakfast to calm myself.

Daniels POV~

I woke up and my face hurt a lot. I didn't want to get up but I did anyway because I was hungry. I slowly crawled out of bed and snuck past my sleeping brother. When I got downstairs mom was cooking breakfast, which looked like waffles, and dad was nowhere "Oh! Daniel a-are you ok umm would you like some food" "W-Wheres dad" Her expression changed she looked shocked yet angry ... and sad "He ... he left when I came home he wasn't here" Well now I know where I get my 'bad liar' trait from ... but I didn't want to push her so I let it be. Mom finished cooking and we ate in silence. I was bored and my brother was in my room so I couldn't play on my computer so I just texted Dottie.
(Dot=Dottie Dan=Daniel) you already know

Dan<Hey Dottie you awake
Dot<daniel I'm in school
Dot<it's fine wats up
Dan<shouldn't You be doing your work and not talking to me
Dot<No its homeroom so I have a min! ^-^
Dan<ok Well I'm not coming to school :(
Dot<what Why are you sick
Dot<OMG did ein hurt you I swear ill hurt him if he hurt you
Dan<no No ein didn't do anything Dottie but I am hurt
Dot<WAT who hurt you are you ok>:(
Dan<sort of
Dot<oh I swear whoever hurt you will pay
Dot<sorry I have to go we'll talk about this later=~=

Daniels dad- but please I can't live without you
Daniels mom- ha then die

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