Part 9 - Check Ups and More Sleepovers

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Dottie's POV~

After Daniel told me that he was hurt I was stressing all day. The school day was nearly over I only had three periods left lunch, math, and history. I walked to lunch with my phone in my hands contemplating whether I should text him. No I'll just talk to Blaze and Rylen to stop worrying.

Daniels POV~

My mom insisted that she would take me to the doctors even though I was sort of fine. We got in her car and drove to the hospital, I felt bad making my mom go back after she just left but when a mom says 'that's final' you can't say no. We got to the hospital and mom signed us in, the front desk lady greeted my mom and asked me if I was ok "Umm I'm f-fine thanks for a-asking" I looked at my feet as I thanked her not that I could see her well. My mom and I sat in the waiting area for a while and ... well waited. Once a nice dirty blond doctor with a ponytail, slightly pointed ears, green eyes, and red lipstick came out she asked for us "Um Daniel?" "Yes" My mom jumped up and pulled me into the doctors room. "Ok, what seem to be the problem!" She said enthusiaticly. I pointed to the right side of my face with all the bandages. She look at me for a second and finally reacted she jumped up a little "O-Oh right sorry" She apologized and wrote something on her clipboard then looked at the bandages again "Well it seems bandaged pretty well, are you a nurse?" She asked my mom "No I'm a doctor for this hospital actually!" My mom said obviously proud "Oh I'm sorry this is my first day" (did anyone else's parents do this too just talk to the doctor or just mine) The doctor continued to inspect my bandaged face until she said I was fine and I just needed to rest a little we left and my mom got my excuse for school. We drove home and listened to random songs on The radio. Once we got home I was for some reason exhausted from nothing. I walked upstairs to my room, thank God my brother left to his own room, and fell asleep.

Time skip~ ♡~♡

I woke up with my mom lightly shaking my arm "Daniel hun a friend is here to see you" A friend who could that be ... I thought about it after my mom left who would want to come over now I only tol- ... oh no. I was suddenly scared only Dottie knew that I was hurt I could already hear the questions. I still got up and mentally prepared myself going downstairs. I looked over to my mom but it wasn't Dottie who was here, it was Blaze. He looked worried Dottie must have told him. I walked over to the couch "Hey Daniel are you ok your mom told me what happened" He asked with a smile I didn't know if she told him the actual truth or some made up story. "Umm y-yeah I'm fine, it just hurts a little" That was a lie it hurt like hell "Well I hope you get better anyway ..." Blaze continued to talk and asked to stay the night my mom looked at me I just nodded "Well sure I'll get some blankets and a pillow for you to sleep on the couch" She answered "Alright thanks" My mom walked off to get the blankets and all that. It would be nice to have someone to talk to that night. My mom set up his temporary bed and was tired herself so she went to her room. Me and Blaze talked for a while till he got tired I walked upstairs, went to my room and tried to go to sleep.

Slight time skip~

I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried no matter how tired I was I just couldn't sleep. I thought about asking my mom if I could sleep with her but that was dumb. Then a thought popped into my head I felt my cheeks heat up, I probably looked like a tomato, w-well Blaze is downstairs. Suddenly my phone pinged
(B=Blaze D=Daniel)probably didn't need this but whatever

B<you awake
B<sorry if your not
D<yeah I'm awake what's up
B<well I can't sleep so I thought about seeing If you were awake
B<do you wanna come downstairs and talk

I put my phone down and sleepily got up and walked downstairs. Blaze was on his phone when he noticed me "Hey" He quietly said sitting up we talked he laid back down after a while he fell asleep. I looked at him for a while and felt flustered after I realized how long I'd been staring at him. I looked back at him, he was so peaceful. I contemplated something then went to my own room and finally fell asleep.


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