Part 11 - Ice Cream Ships

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Aphmau's POV~(someone new!)

Blaze and I were walking and talking in the park (oh wow totally didn't see that coming) He was asking me how to be Gentelmen-like. I said we could go somewhere and now I'm trying to explain that you shouldn't break down doors to let someone in ... this conversation was going nowhere. After a minute of walking and talking we reach the bridge and I spotted Daniel on the other side of it. Of course , kind of looking for a way out of this conversation, I called him over.
"Hey, Daniel"
Blaze looked over and saw him too. 'Thank Irene now I can stop this exhausting- .'
Then I saw the right side of his face, and my heart dropped to my feet. I immediately sprinted up to him, cupping his face in my hands.
"Oh my Irene, Daniel are you ok!"
"Hm?" He looked at me confused but suddenly realized something. Before he could speak, someone cut him off.
"Daniel! Why didn't  you tell us where you were!" It was Dottie, she was practically dragging Rylen behind her. "Dottie?" Daniel questioned "You didn't tell Alpha I got hurt?!" Dottie was thinking for a minute "GAH, you're right I'm sorry I forgot to say anything to you, sorry alpha!" She started apologizing. Then Blaze asked "Wait so you didn't know Daniel got hurt?" "NO, What happened!" I hugged Daniel. 'I kind of feeling guilty that I couldn't of comforted him when whatever happened, happened, but I can't time travel so comforting him now will have to do.' Then I had an idea for making him feel a bit better, even if he already did. "Lets get ice cream!" I suggested they all looked a me for a second "Yeah, I'm in!" Dottie was the first to answer "You only agree cause its food." Rylen stated. Dottie just nodded not even denying it "Ok lets go!" We all started walking towards where the ice cream shop near the park was.

After we got our ice cream we sat outside and ate it. (What else do you do with ice cream, manila?) We didn't really talk, since we were eating, and even after I insisted that I'd pay I ended up splitting the bill with Rylen. Dottie was still trying to shove the rest of her ice cream cone in her face. 'She did get ten scoops.' "Anyway, what happened to Daniel?" I asked Rylen, we were both walking behind the others. "Well, uh, That's the thing, I don't really know. He just kinda said someone hit him with a thing." Rylen said obviously confused too. I then whispered "Do you,... do you think Ein did it?" "I don't know if he'd go that far..." He stared at Daniel's bandages "Well, I'm sure he would, he's a-" "What are you two whispering about?" Dottie suddenly spoke, and she had ice cream all around her mouth and even on the bridge of her nose."Jeez Dottie you got ice cream everywhere." Rylen said impressed that she could miss her mouth that much! He got out napkins he had in his pocket, ... for some reason... don't Question it! And wiped of her face, while she whined about being able to do it herself. 'Hehe, they look like a couple>:3.' Aaand I am starting to think like Kawaii~Chan.

AHHHHHH I love these innocent little BEANS, anyway I'll try to post more and I know I say that a lot but now I have more time to myself so this time I mean it.


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