17~Possessed Kavya

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Now I know why is Kriya so close to my daughter Kavya, because her daughter was Kavya in previous birth, Kriya has told me everything about the first birth. How to make my daughter sad? If I say that maybe she won't play with her again so that Kavya isn't pained by her sudden absence one day. All of a sudden, she also vanished. 'Kriya!' I said a little louder to stop her. My sister left me once again, I miss her as she didn't just told me about the past, she made me re-live them through a small fast forward dream. I sat back on the bed lost in thoughts. Why has Kriya come alone? Why Shlok didn't come? They always wanted to be together, why she left him and came here? Most importantly, where's Priya and Neil? I brushed off my thoughts.

 Why has Kriya come alone? Why Shlok didn't come? They always wanted to be together, why she left him and came here? Most importantly, where's Priya and Neil? I brushed off my thoughts

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I slept back

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I slept back. The alarm rang and I got off the bed waking Kavya as well as it's her school today. The biggest coincidence was that I had admitted her in Bombay Model School. I had a little strange feeling about this. I prayed to God for her protection. She woke up and went to freshen up, when she came out, I went and when I came out, I saw her sitting on the cupboard looking at me angrily. "Kavya, what are you doing there? Come down", I said trying to get her down. "I am not Kavya", she said in a ghostly voice making me jump.

"What are you saying?", I asked shocked. "You took away my everything from me, my daughter, my life, and my love as well,", she said glaring at me. "Kavya", I heard Omkara call her and her expression changed from angry to happy. "Yayy, papa woke up", she said in a normal voice. "Why are you both up? Anything special?", he asked. "She has school today, so I woke her up and when I came from washroom, she was on cupboard", I replied. "Kavya, don't trouble your mumma, get down, Gauri, do it", he said to me and I lifted her and put her on floor.

 "Kavya, don't trouble your mumma, get down, Gauri, do it", he said to me and I lifted her and put her on floor

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