19~Talking Teddy

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'No Kriya, he's not in heaven, he is where you are, I mean, he is on earth just like you, and Kavya saw him today only,' I told her smirking at her and her jaw dropped open in a shock. 'He...he is here, why..why didn't y..why didn't you not tell me be..before?' Kriya asked stammering badly and shook me by my shoulders. I looked at her hands and then at her, I moved her hands away and smirked turning my back towards her. 'When did I meet you before? When should I have told you? That day when you were playing with KV and we had just shifted here? How would I know at that time about you and Shlok? I didn't even saw you Kriya baby,' I said.

 'When did I meet you before? When should I have told you? That day when you were playing with KV and we had just shifted here? How would I know at that time about you and Shlok? I didn't even saw you Kriya baby,' I said

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'That's because I didn't want you to see me, it would've been a shock for you,' she said and I turned to her. 'Just like its a shock for you that Shlok is here,' I said and laughed. 'What the hell are you laughing at?' she asked me. 'At you, how do you do this? You're something else from the outside and something else from inside, you were meant to be married to Omkara in your first birth but that was a compromise you made for me but in real you are and were made for Shlok,' I told her.

 'At you, how do you do this? You're something else from the outside and something else from inside, you were meant to be married to Omkara in your first birth but that was a compromise you made for me but in real you are and were made for Shlok,'...

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She bursted into tears. I thought about the voices I heard when I went inside the locked room upstairs in our house, the fighting voices and the voice of something breaking. It were the noises from past. 'What were those voices I heard that day?' I asked after a long silence and a hug. 'They were just to mislead you,' she said wiping her tears. I felt really bad for her, but what about me? Maybe if Omkara talks to her, she will go even before Shlok gets to know. 'Kriya, come with me,' I said and pulled her out of there along with me. Kavya came there. 'Why are you taking Kriya aunty with you?' she asked holding my hand. 'Kavya move from here I will tell later, go to your room,' I said and went.

 'Kavya move from here I will tell later, go to your room,' I said and went

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