Chapter 15

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Shiro grinned at Keith as he came through the studio doors, still on his crutch. "You're looking better."

Keith shrugged. "Swelling's gone down, anyway. And most of the bruises faded."

"Hey, always look at the positive."

Keith frowned at Lance's new bodyguard as the two entered Allura's office. "Does something seem... off about that guy to you?"

Shiro's brow creased. "I don't know. A bit, I guess, but it might just be the new face. Does he seem off to you?"

Keith's eyes narrowed. "He looks at Lance weird. Like he's going to eat him or something. And I keep catching him glaring at me."

Shiro shrugged. "Not too weird. You're going to replace him once your knee's better. And, well, hate to say it, but he's probably just acting like a professional bodyguard. You only ever saw Lance with Hunk and later yourself."

"Maybe. But Lance thinks so too."

Shiro chuckled. "Lance has never met a professional bodyguard that he likes."

"Yes, I know," Allura commented as she entered, "Just getting him to hire one took all of his friends getting hurt." She gave Keith a smile. "Glad to see that you're doing better. Just out of curiosity, what are you doing here?"

"He was going stir crazy being kept cooped up at Lance's house," Shiro said with a roll of his eyes, "We took him for a change of scenery."

"I'll stay out of the way," Keith promised.

Allura shrugged. "Alright. Just don't sabotage anything or leak anything."

Keith nodded, and she left, running into Lotor, who was passing by. Shiro leaned in to Keith. "So are they a..."

"Lance thinks so, but he hates Lotor and is a paranoid git."

"What do you think?"

Keith shrugged. "Have you met me, Shiro? I'm literally the last person you would want to ask about feelings."


Lance sat in his "sniper nest," Lotor next to him. "Here comes another one," he grumbled, and began "sniping" enemies. Lotor let out a strangled yelp, and Lance whirled around. Lotor was being dragged out of the sniper nest.

"Don't shoot," the enemy general growled, "You'll probably hit him. You leave me alone. I'm going across the no-man's land. You can't stop me."

He moved across the set, still dragging Lotor behind him.

"You can hit him, Sol," Lotor told him, "Don't worry about me!"

Lance put the scope to his eye, closing the other one and letting out a deep breath. He squeezed the trigger. The enemy general screamed, letting go of Lotor and falling to the ground. Lance let out a sigh of relief.

"Cut!" Coran grinned. "Sorry to keep you this late, I wanted to get an extra scene in."

Lance heaved a sigh of relief, this one genuine, and changed quickly back into his street clothes. "You ready to go?"

Keith stood up. He'd moved to the set to watch, and now he put his hands in his pockets. "Ah, hold on, I left my phone in Allura's office."

"I could get it," Lance offered.

Keith shook his head. "Nah, I'll grab it. Be back in a second."

He hobbled down the hallway and Lance's bodyguard came up behind him. "Let's go."

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