Happy Birthday RRB(🥰)

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(Boomer POV)

It was a week ago when we rescued Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup from Him. We know he is coming after us but we don't know when it how. Everything is going smoothly so far but school has to start back today. We have missed way to many days of school and are on the verge of repeating a year. for those of you who don't know Its hard to balance out your school life, social life, and your super hero life all in one.

Everybody should be getting ready for school right now so I better hurry out the shower. I wrapped a towel around the lower half of my body and walked out the bathroom. This school must have a lot of money if the forms were able to have two bathrooms in each one. I put on a bark blue polo shirt and very jeans. My phone and backpack were on my bed so all I have to do is brush my teeth then I can check on Mikey to see if he even got out of the bed.

I grabbed my phone and backpack after I brushed my teeth. Mikey was sitting on the couch on snapchat looking at people days.

"Since when are you ready in the morning?" I said from the kitchen getting a granola bar for breakfast. Usually Mikey is the very last one ready. He even take longer than Bubbles now that's saying something.

"I just woke up early. I feel like today will be a great day." Mikey got of the couch and opened the door for us to leave.

" I feel that way to but I can't stop thinking I'm forgetting something. "

We walked down to the school where we were supposed to meet our friends. Other students walked past giggling to each other talking you doing regular teenage things.

"Mikey! Boomer! Over here!" Butch was calling Mikey and I to come join to them. We walked over them and greeted everyone. I hugged and kiss Bubbles.

"Morning babe."She kissed me back and we pulled apart after everyone was staring at us. I'm glad Bubbles and her sister are ok after that experience with Him. We should have cooked him like we planed but he was away.

The bell rang so we had to run to class before it stopped. I am not looking for to this class. Everyone hated this teacher and so do I. She just sit there and watch tv on her phone like she doesn't have a class to teach. The only good part is that she just gives all her students an A in her class.

We reached the class room before she bell stopped ringing.

"Good morning class today you will have a free day so don't be to loud while I watch my love and hip hop Atlanta alright." She turned back to her phone watched 'tv'.

"Do you guys have this feeling that your forgetting something?" I asked leaning against the table.

"Yes I feel like we're missing something about today that was so important." Said Brick tapping his chin.

"Me to but I just don't know what. Did we forget something about Him?" Said Butch

"No I doubt we would forget something about Him."

"Or maybe you guys are just over reacting. We finally have the time to be normal teenagers and it just seems a little weird since that never happens often." Said Blossom

"We should do something special today! Let's go back to the arcade I still never gotten a chance to play anything." Bubbles eyes were big and full of hope. Everyone agreed to the arcade but I was kind of skeptical of it since that employee is going to be there. You know the one that tried to flirt with Bubbles. What was his name Lonnie Bonnie Ugly Oh wait it was Johnny.

"I challenge all of you to at least one game in the arcade. If I win all of you will be my slaves." Said Buttercup with a an evil grin on her face.

"Your on no one will be able to beat me at any game." Said Butch. These two are always to competitive with anyone. I would be surprised if they challenged Spongebob to a jelly fishing contest.Bubbles leaned in closer to me.

"Your going to finish what you started in bathroom right?" A blush flew across my face.To be honest I was just jealous of how Bubbles was giving that Johnny dude so much attention and she was about to give him her number! She doesn't deserve it.

"I have no idea what your talking about." She looked at me confused but I ignored her completely.

"Are you jealous about Johnny? If you are I hope your not jealous about me texting him." Bubbles pulled out her phone and showed me messages between her and Johnny. I snatched the phone out of her hand and read through every single message. He called her beautiful she called him handsome. He called me a shitty Bastard she called me a stud.

"I'm not jealous and why are you texting him?" Part of me wanted to tell across this classroom.

"If you aren't jealous then why are you asking? You sound jealous to me." She moved her hands to my knee and rubbed it. This is not going to get her out of this.But it will certainly help.

"Bubbles that is not going to get you out of this you know her likes you but you still text him." Her hands gripped my member tightly. I jumped and made everyone in the classroom look at me. With all of them looking she still was holding me. Bubbles slipped her hand into my pants massaging my dick over my underwear. Even though I'm pissed off as he'll I still couldn't resist her.

"Boomer do you still have my movie that I let you borrow?" Untried myth best to answer while Bubbles was jerking me off under the table.

" Uh y-yea It's a-a-at my d-dorm. "

"Uh Boomer you okay! Your face is very red and sweating alot." Asked Brick

"Y-yea I-Im fine."

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat to leave the classroom. I heard Bubbles giggling but I kept walking. I walked to my locker since I didn't have time to in before first period. My dick was still on hard so I tried my best to cover it up.

When so reached my locker it was decorated. The words Happy Birthday were on there. so that's what I forgot! I forgot our birthday. Butch and Brick were staring at there decorated lockers as well.

Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom stepped forward.

"Happy birthday guys! We love you!" They shouted together

Today is going to be a great day!

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