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you say
you aren't as perfect
as i say you are

i tell you
you're the reason why the skies are blue
the reason why the moon shines
the reason why the stars stretch to every corner
of our comprehensive lives

you tell me
what they say about you
you say
that it's because
you and i
are together

your words
stutter from your
chapped lips
you look so sad
i ask if it's my fault
you say yes
it is my fault,
it's all my fault
she wants to die
it's my fault
she doesn't want to wake up
she told me
to get out of her sight
to stay out of her life

i get so angry
so easily
i'm sorry
i repeat the words
coming from everyone's
sick mouths
i didn't mean a single sound
coming out of my mouth
i wish you saw the expression on my face
i wish you saw i was just very sad

you turn around
you run away
i chase you
i grab your cold hand
it's not as soft as i remember it to be
you stand there
looking so beautiful
i want to pull you closer
but you yell the words again

stay out of my life

but you added one more thing

or i'll make you.

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