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Alex sat confidently with playing cards fanned out in her hands. A crowd had formed around the girls game, watching with excited smiles. Mackenzie stood by her friends side, extremely impressed by her poker skills.

A blonde girl sat across from Alex, nervously biting her lip. Alex smirked as she slammed down her whole deck full of hearts. The blonde sighed throwing her cards onto the table. She had lost and Alex had won once again. "I am the champion ladies!" Alex sang collecting the money from the center of the table. Multiple people groaned as this was about the tenth time in a row Alex had won.

"Anyone else want to face the master?" Alex teased leaning back in the wooden chair. Mackenzie looked around at some of the girls glaring at them.

"Actually," a voice hollered among the crowd, "I would love to give it a go." People cleared a path so Emily and Hadley could walk through. Emily sat down across from Alex smirking confidently. Emily took off her black RayBan sunglasses and set them off to the side on the table.

Alex scoffed, "Oh so Princess knows how to play?"

"Yes. And I'm rather good too, so I would shut your mouth," Emily stated picking up her cards. Hadley peaked over Emily's shoulder to look over the deck. Alex rolled her eyes and picked up a new set of cards, showing them to Mackenzie with a smirk.

Alex threw down a twenty she had won a few rounds ago. Emily tossed in a few bills. They kept going back and forth, making the victory pile grow more and more.

Sooner or later the pile contained over fifty dollars, a tube of freshly bought lipgloss, and Emily's sunglasses. Mackenzie and Hadley didn't know when the girls would stop. It was if this was more than just a game of poker.

"How about we make this even more interesting?" Emily suggested shifting a bit in her seat.

Alex raised her eyebrows intrigued, "And how will we do that?"

Emily peaked over at Hadley, who gave her a solid nod. By this point they had been at this camp for about two weeks. All the introductions had been well passed. "Loser has to jump into the lake," Emily said.

"Easy," Alex scoffed.

Emily raised her hand, "Butt. Naked."

The crowd of girls erupted into giggles and gasps. Hadley crossed her arms over her chest, staring down at Alex. She seemed to have lost some of her confidence, but Alex couldn't show that.

"Hm," she said, "Well then be prepared for a little dip because," Alex turned her cards around, "Straight row in diamonds." Some girls behind Alex cheered, including Mackenzie. Alex already reached her arms out to take the prize in the middle, but Emily's voice stopped her.

"That's good Al, but just not good enough." Emily flipped her deck around revealing all of them to be clubs, "Bow down to the royal family."

Hadley and Emily high fived as Alex just sat there completely dazed. The crowd of girls cheered for the new victor. Most just happy Alex finally lost to someone.

Alex handed her clothes to Mackenzie as she stood on the wooden pier. The crowd from the game had followed Emily, Hadley, Mackenzie, and Alex outside to watch. "I can't believe you're actually doing this," Mackenzie whispered.

"A deals a deal." Alex shrugged. She couldn't just back out now. Mackenzie sighed and walked off the pier to join the group of girls. She set down Alex's clothes on a wooden bench.

"Whenever you're ready!" Emily called to Alex. Alex flicked her off before walking to the edge of the small pier, her toes just hanging over the edge. Hadley whistled making Alex even more upset.

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