0.4 - the plan

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The four girls sat in a small circle on the floor in the middle of the cabin. A box of Oreos that Hadley had snuck from home sat in the center of them. It was well passed midnight, but they didn't seem to mind. Instead of going to sleep they spent hours on end discussing the band they all coincidently liked. It was crazy how they went from absolutely despising each other to talking like long lost best friends.

Alex reached into the tray, pulling out another Oreo. "Alright! Here's the bonus question of the night," Alex started smiling widely as she shoved the cookie into her mouth, "Who's your fav?"

All the girls groaned because that definitely had to be the hardest question. Emily was the first to step up to the plate. "Calum for me. Most abso-fucking-lutely," Emily giggled reaching for another cookie. Mackenzie smiled deciding to not each anymore Oreos. So she just leaned back on her arms and looked at the three girls she was stuck with.

After talking for a while, Mackenzie finally came to the conclusion that she's happy she came to camp. It's different at home. No one really attempted to talk to Mackenzie unless it was convenient for them. She was never anyone's first choice. But now being here, she felt differently. "Uh," Mackenzie spoke up, "Ashton."

Alex started choking on her cookie, so Emily leaned over and patted her back till the coughing stopped. "Ashton?" Alex questioned.

"Yes?" Mackenzie was confused. What was wrong with Ashton being her sunshine?

"Hm, I took you for a Michael girl. Which is saying something coming from a Michael girl." Alex explained laughing a little. Mackenzie shrugged still not understanding Alex's choking fit.

"So a Mikey girl then?" Emily questioned and Alex nodded.

Hadley laid on the ground so that her stomach was pressed to the floor and her back up to the ceiling. She smiled, "And I wouldn't totally mind if Lucas made his way over here."

Everyone laughed loudly. It was fun for them to all finally talk about the guys again. It's been so long since they have. Whenever any of them would bring up the band someone would always say 'oh move on already!'

But luckily they didn't.

After the giggles stopped the room filled with a thick air of silence. It was just then that the realization of the band being split had dawned on them. They had been talking as if it were six months ago.

Alex cleared her throat before standing up from the ground. She made her way over to her bed and jumped in. They all had already changed into comfy clothes for bed so it was just a matter of when. Alex knew what was going to be brought up if she stayed in that circle much longer. And sadly enough, she did not want to discuss the break up.

Mackenzie was the next one to get up and go to bed. It's not that she donated much to the conversation anyways. She curled up into a ball underneath the covers, her brown curls fanned out on the pillow.

Hadley looked over at Emily before shrugging. It was fun while it lasted, but of course the nagging topic had to someone resurface. Hadley climbed off the floor, practically throwing herself into bed. She wished that their conversation could've lasted all night. Hadley enjoyed talking to people who understood her obsession. She even got to talk about Wattpad and the fanfictions she used to write. But the fun had to end.

Emily sat on the floor by herself, looking between each of her cabin mates. Each of them were just laying in bed. None of them closed their eyes to even go to sleep. So it was just awkward silence since no one was talking. However this gave Emily some time to think. She had forgotten how much fun she had talking about old fam memories.

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