0.5 - goodbyes, hellos, and a side of michael

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Weeks and weeks passed, which eventually led to the end of summer camp. The four girls had grown extremely close after being stuck in the isolation cabin all summer. Sure they discussed their plan, but mainly they just enjoyed the company. They went swimming in the lake plenty of times. Every night they stayed up past curfew just to talk and play stupid games. A few that some didn't even know existed. But the summer was coming to an end and they knew it was time to go.

The four girls stood in front of the mess hall, watching as several girls were already being picked up by their parents. They didn't know when they would see each other next, so this could be goodbye.

Mackenzie's father was the first one to pull up. Mackenzie sighed, waving to him to wait for a moment. She turned back to her new friends. They all smiled sadly before pulling into one group embrace. Alex sniffled and pulled away to wipe her face.

"Aw, are you crying?" Emily asked wiping under her eyes as well. Alex shook her head, waving them off as if the thought was unheard of. Of course she was crying. She was about to leave her new best friends.

Hadley giggled pulling away. Her eyes were red, but no tears escaped. Hadley was good at holding in her emotions. "It's okay if you are you know?" She said to Alex.

Mackenzie's dad honked the horn, signaling her that it was time to leave. She shouted for him to hold on for one more minute. She turned back to the group. "Alright guys," Mackenzie said, "Remember the plan."

"Yeah yeah," Emily smiled hugging Mackenzie one last time. Mackenzie sniffled refusing to cry. She waved to them before jogging over to her fathers car, her duffle bag in hand. Alex, Hadley, and Emily watched as their book obsessed friend climbed into the passenger side of her fathers truck.

The three remaining girls stood closely together as other girls ran by with their bags. Goodbyes were always the worst. It made things awkward and sad. The girls didn't like that.

"Went by pretty fast huh?" Hadley said. Emily and Alex nodded. The summer did go by pretty fast.

Suddenly a white KIA pulled up. Hadley sighed knowing that her parents were there. She crouched down to pick up her bag and turned to look at the two girls. "Goodbye." Hadley shrugged, the tears in her eyes burning. Emily and Alex pulled her into a tight embrace.

Hadley choked up, but pulled away before any crying began. "Love you guys!" She called as she ran to the car. Emily and Alex waved as she opened the back door and climbed in. She was gone.

"And then there were two," Alex joked leaning against the mess hall wooden walls. Emily glanced over at Alex with a small smile. It's funny how much they despised each other at the beginning of it all.

"You know Al? I think I'm actually going to miss you," Emily teased.

Alex sighed, "Oh. Well this is awkward, because I'm not gonna miss you at all." But it was clear she was only kidding. After they exchanged a few laughs a black expensive looking car rolled up, ready to take Emily to the airport. Emily sighed, reaching down to pick up her two duffle bags. Alex and her held eye contact for a few moment before Alex threw her arms around Emily.

Emily chuckled under her breath before pulling away completely. "I'll text you!" She said as she walked to the car waiting for her. Alex waved, standing now all alone by the mess hall. All of her friends had left, so now she felt lonely and out of place.

When Alex's cab decided to finally show up, she was beyond irritated. At this point she just wanted to go home and work on her plan. Sure she had to discuss her plans of going to Los Angles with her mother, but that was besides the point. If anything, her parents will be thrilled she wants to get out of the house even more.

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