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Josh, Raf and Bumblebee made there way to the Harbinger, once they made it inside Raf got straight to work trying to restore power to the ship, Josh looked around the ship a bit amazed at how much stuff was still aboard after all this time without being raided, Josh whipped his head toward a loud bang that came from Bumblebee, when he connected a large cable to a conduit "hold it right there, Bee" Raf exclaimed as he hopped onto the keys trying to type "and powering up!" he announced the lights started to come back on but then powered down again and the scout whirled in annoyance "keep trying, we'll figure it out"

Josh heard pedesteps from the doorway and turned to see who had entered but before the figure went into the light from the console they spoke "yep, yep, yep. Your miscalibrating the Energon transducer" the young boy and the black and yellow camaro turned their heads to see the mech, Raf smiled from ear to ear "Ratchet!" he yelled excited, the white and orange medic walked closer to the console moving Bumblebee out of the way "now step out of my way so I can work" he grumbled and started typing as the young boy jumped backwards off of the keypad, Ratchet smiled a ghost of a smile at Raf while he worked.

In a few hours Raf was back to typing on the keyboard "mainframe's up and running. But I'll help hacking the operating codes" he stated as he looked up at the field medic "Even if the ground bridge proves functional, it will be next to worthless without a means of pinpointing the current locations of compatriots" Ratchet mentioned, Bumblebee beeped and whirred a sentence and the medic turned to looked at the scout "use your head Bumblebee. If the Decepticons had the ability to track Autobot signals, we'd have been at Megaton's mercy on Earth a long time ago" he spat, Josh sighed a bit "back where we started" he let out, the orange and white medic looked back at the screen "but not if I can reconfigure these Decepticon frequencies. At the very least, we may be able to access their Comm. Link" Ratchet continued typing.

They soon contacted the African-American Agent -what is it now, Lord Megatron?- the Agent spat "Agent Fowler, It's Ratchet" the medic said, a woman's voice could be heard on the other end -Ratchet? Where's Jack? Is he with you?- she asked, the medic shook his head "no, he is not. I have taken a tremendous, yet calculated risk in contacting you. Hopefully, the Decepticons are not monitoring their own frequencies as closely as they no doubt are those of the humans. I am transmitting are current coordinates" he stated, not letting a word come out of the humans mouths.

Bumblebee ran up to Ratchet, beeping and whirring in ergency "what?" the old medic said before hanging up the call. Everyone ran outside, Josh and Raf running behind the bot's till the black and yellow camaro stopped them from getting any closer "oh, come on Bee" Josh complained, a ship started to land in front of them "it's one of ours" Ratchet exclaimed. The platform started to descend from the vessel and revealed three Autobots with three humans standing in front of them,

the young female noticed Josh and the younger human beside him "Raf! Josh!" she yelled before running and bear hugging us "can't.. Breathe" Josh faintly got out before she released and Jack came up beside her "girls got a grip, doesn't she?" he asked, before man hugging the two boys "she definitely does" the holoform answered with a smile "your alive" the medic sighed out in a relief, once the bot's stepped off the metal slab there revealed an unfamiliar mech "Ultra Magnus?" Ratchet gasped, "doctor" the mech replied.     

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