The Change: Chapter 10-Lies

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Wednesday September 13th

Evan smiled at me while we sat down down by the old tree.

"So Evan why are you here"?.

I asked,I was so eager to find out.

"Well, actually we were sent here to watch over you".

He said.

"Wait we"?.

I asked.

"Yes we,as in our father is here to,with me".

I stopped and looked Evan straight in the eyes.

"What,fathers here"?.

"Yes he is".


Dedrict said.


I looked him in the eyes.

"You know that Evan is a full-blood vampire".

He said without hesitation.

I looked at Evan with surprise.

"No that can't be possible,that would make me a-

"No actually it wouldn't Angel".

Evan said out of nowhere.

"Angel our parents were both human when they had us,first they had me then they had you. After, dad was bitten by a full-blood vampire our mother simply did not want anything to do with any vampires seeing how she disliked them. So me and father were forced to move to somewhere else. Away from mom,away from you".

I sat there still looking at him.

"Now to explain why we are here,dad had gotten a call from our mother saying that "I need you to come down and watch Angel for a little while,I'm going to be leaving for something". Dad had agreed. But when we got here she still was here so we had to wait until she left. And that's how I met Dedrict when I was on the way back from the house we are staying at.

I looked at the ground and started shaking.

"Angel, what's wrong your shaking".

Dedrict said with concern.

I looked him in the eyes and said.

"Dedrict,my mother lied to me she said that my brother and father had died in a car accident".

I started crying.

"Oh Angel,come here".

I got up and walked over to Dedrict, I sat on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around me, he rubbed my back to soothe my cries.

"It's okay Angel".

He whispered in my ear.

I looked up at his eyes,our faces almost touching.

And before I knew it Dedrict was kissing me. But it was a soft kiss. It made me feel warm inside.

We broke apart,our nose's still touching.

"Ahem, sorry don't mean to ruin anything but it's getting late".

"Oh right, Evan by the way your mom is gone".

Evan looked at Dedrict.

"She is,when did she leave"?.

"Well that's the thing I don't think she left exactly,more like she was kidnapped by a dark-blood".

The Change: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now