part8_Hunter and his prey

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My longest update. Im really disapointed. Dont want to write any more. Because everyone wants to read it but no one wants to tell me how they feel about this story. Bad, good worse, ok. Nothing at all. Im not asking you to pay for writing my story, but your words are priceless. Your words are really precious to me. You guys always disappoint me so much. I hardly get any in line comment so I never can judge where I went wrong and where my readers enjoyed more. Really disappointed. God bless you all. 😟😟😟


It’s been two days since nandni left the office with wet shirt and heavy jacket of manik around her shoulders. She wanted to reach home ASAP. She couldn’t wait to tell Raj and Ishani that their manik is alive. She couldn’t imagine their expressions. The response of a mother who will get the news of her son is alive not dead. His father who have lost ability to walk. His sister, his friends, how everyone gonna react. She paid for taxi and ran towards her door.

She couldn't wait so she was ringing the bell again and again. Ishani opened the door and nandni straight ran in her arms. Ishani became little worried when she felt nandni's shivering shoulders. She was shedding uncontrollable tears of happiness. Ishani pulled herself apart. She was worried seeing her in such condition.

"Mom, manik...!" She sobbed between her words.

"Manik, manik is alive..!" Nandni felt ishani's stiff body in her grip. At the same time she listened few gasps from living room.

Mukti, abhi, Cabir, Raj all were looking at nandni like she have grown two heads.

They all wanted to surprise Nandni but they didn't expect she gonna snatch earth beneath them. They all were hell excited to see the manik. But very difficultly nandni made them understand the situation. She spent her whole night with Aaron and telling each and everything about manik. Stopping ishani from going into manik’s mansion, was more difficult thing. She could feel how her heart was yearning to embrace him in her arms. After knowing where was he in last two years, ishani’s tears never stopped for one second.

After two days, finally they were leaving for Paris. Driver dropped nandni at office building. After leaving her small handy in the waiting room driver left. It was Sunday and whole staff was at leave. Harshad and nandni were supposed to leave by their own and Victoria, Daniel and manik were going by their private jet. But Daniel needed some spice in the distasteful journey. So according to his plan nandni was going with them too.

After that hug and their sinfully hot encounter in the office made manik more awkward around nandni. Nandni was so confused and hurt too but she wasn’t aware he was fighting the uncontrolled charisma towards nandni. At one hand his mind was reminding him, he’s engaged already but heart was saying something else. At one hand he is feeling like cheating on his fiance but at other hand he was feeling the spark around nandni, what he never felt with Victoria.


“Hey princess...!” Daniel’s happy voice sang as he stepped into the waiting room of office. Nandni glance over her shoulder to see the tall handsome man coming her way.

“Hi....!” nandni gave Daniel a delightful smile. Next moment Daniel draped his heavy arm around nandni's shoulders. Daniel laughed seeing her heated face, she was trying hard to keep it normal.

“You are so cute...!” Daniel pinched the tip of her red nose and once again laughed seeing her glare. Listening him Nandni’s blush grew.

“You are going with us...!” daniel said all excited. Nandni dropped her eyes down like she was so confused about something.

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