part11_Running away

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Nandni entered in manik’s room and there Aaron was sleeping at manik’s bed. Manik's assistant was sitting at one chair near the bed. Nandni gently picked Aaron in her arms and kissed his whole face. The peace and the feelings having her baby in her arms after these killing days she felt, it was heaven on earth. Nandni looked back towards the lady now standing besides nandni.

“Thank you so much for taking care of him...!” nandni whispered looking back towards assistant.

“No problem. We are colleagues and helping each other, shouldn't be a big deal. Have a nice night with your baby. C ya later....!” saying her words politely she left nandni with Aaron.

Nandni placed Aaron back at bed without disturbing his sleep. Nandni dialled ishani’s number but it was just ringing and no one answered it. Then she dialled her landline number but the response wasn’t different. Nandni tried ishani’s number once again and now it was out of reach. Nandni started worrying about ishani and Raj. It can’t be possible no one is at home. Cause of raj’s disability he avoids to go out unless it’s really necessary. It means there is some thing urgent they are not home. Nandni was trying to calm her senses but still in some corner of her heart she knew it something isn’t ok.


Manik came and sat at one sofa. Hell tired he leaned back and rested his head at the back of sofa. Spreading his long legs forward he loosened his tie and threw at coffee table. Closing his eyes he brushed his fingers through his hairs to sooth the ache he was feeling at that moment. He wanted to just lay down and have some sleep but his room was occupied by his lovely lady and his cute little champ. He closed his eyes and took a deep sigh.


As time was passing and nandni wasn’t able to contact at home,  she was getting restless. She wanted to know how Aaron reached here. How they allowed him to be here. Definitely they knew it, Aaron was going in the most safest hands in this world. In the hold of his own father but still it was a long journey, they couldn’t send him alone. Then who came with him. And where they all are at the moment.

All these unanswered questions were making her so confused. At the moment she have just one person who can give all answers, and that’s manik malhotra. Seeing Aaron for once nandni left to have a talk with manik.


She entered in living room and she found him with cushion under his head, laying at sofa. Still wearing his expensive suite, placing one arm at his eyes and other arm at his stomach he was totally in deep sleep. His long legs were crossed at each other and his wallet and mobile were placed besides his waist at the edge of sofa. Sofa was enough wide and long to adjust his huge figure easily. It was really cold to sleep without any cover.

She went back and brought one blanket. As she stopped near him she just can see his soft pink lips. She couldn’t brushed off all the things these expert lips did the last night. How they sucked life out of her each pore of body, pushing her at the height of pleasure. She squeezed her eyes, like wanted to forget the things. All the things which were turning her on. She wasn’t lucky enough to have that pleasure again, don’t know for how long. She spread blanket at his calm figure, trying her best to not wake him up. After adjusting blanket she picked his mobile and wallet to place at coffee table.

“Stealing my money....!” one sleepy tone echoed in the silence of cold living room. Jerking at her place nandni looked back and found his half closed eyes looking at her. There was darkness in the depth of his alluring chocolaty eyes. He eventually raised his brows when she didn’t say anything, instead she kept looking into his eyes.

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