part22_Dinner date

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Hello sweeties. First of all I want to thank my sweet hearts who voted for my story. You are love. And second thing sometimes you guys see old part of my story and you guys get confused that why I'm posting it again. Whenever I see any grammar or spelling mistake I edit that part after unpublishing it. Then I republish it again.

My baby wasn't well, sorry for late update. I will try my best to publish next part tomorrow but if I couldn't then sorry in advance. If you guys didn't give good response then forget about next part.
Don't forget to tell next part should be according to nandni sweet, shy, romantic or like Manik hot, passionate, mature. 😉😉😉


Manik was watching nandni while he was getting ready for their date. Wearing his black suit with white shirt he was setting his hairs. Her eyes were totally aware of him while she went towards her closet. No doubt her eyes were moving again and again at him.

He was looking good, tall and muscular. As his eyes locked with hers, they twinkled with self-pride. Obviously he was always aware of his charming personality. He never felt need to take efforts to impress ladies. She took black dress as well and went to change. He was ready and now he went to sit at chair in one corner.

He was exploring his mobile and time to time his eyes shifting at her. Wanted to be aware, where she was and what she was doing. After having long warm scent-full shower, she wore black dress. Now she was stood at front of vanity mirror.

Placing mobile at side he crossed both arms against his chest. Leaning back on the chair he was watching her wearing small delicate jewellery. She didn’t know where they were going but Nandni wanted to make sure to be dressed nicely for the dinner or may be for her man.

Just as she was getting ready, she felt his eyes boring holes into her skin. She glanced up into mirror and her eyes met with him. His eyes slowly moved from top to bottom at her back, then moved up again before they settled back to her eyes. Something flared in his eyes and pace of her heart started becoming faster as his eyes locked with hers.  

“Manik....!” she sounded serious, when she turned around to face him. His eyes still busy to give her a complete inspection.

“hmmm...!” his reply sounds amused and curious. Her heart dipped deeply into her stomach and skin was burning all over the places, his eyes were roaming. 

“Don’t you have any thing else to do....!” listening her, Manik’s lips curled up into a smile. Now clearly happy at her response.  

“You looking gorgeous and hot in that tight dress....!” Manik remarked as his eyes alight with excitement and mischief. For once nandni felt out of words. She wanted to be ready but his continuous observing stares making her speed zero.

“Manik if you are ready please go and see what others doing

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“Manik if you are ready please go and see what others doing. Please....!” nandni said, annoyance visible in her polite request.

“Why, what have I done. I’m just waiting for you so that we can leave. It’s you who wasting our precious time. You know I can’t wait....!” his face one of the most innocent in the world but only she knew from where he is talking. Nandni opened her mouth to say something but then closed it. Nothing proper reply came on her tongue. She was looking at him without blinking her eyes.

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