Different View, Same Pain

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So as Mina brought April and Corey back to the site, she took them to a different area of the place. She took them to a training area. "You two need to change into these clothes," Mina told as she set two sets of clothes on benches. "You will go in the bathrooms and change, but I swear, if you do anything stupid in there, you will have your first warning. And if you continue to disobey any other orders that are given to you, you will receive fatal consequences. You'll only get two warnings." Mina explained as she used the key to unlock the handcuffs.

Then she gave them the clothes and pushed them into different bathrooms. April was given what looked like prison clothes, usually, they would be orange, but the ones she got were black. Corey was given the same clothing, but he got a jacket with the set. So when they both came out holding the clothes they were wearing before they changed, Mina was getting a little impatient.

So she didn't bother trying to put the handcuffs back on them since they were going to be trained anyway. "Follow me, and if you run, you'll be killed right on the spot," Mina said as she put her hand over her holster with a 64. Caliber inside. April gulped as she leaned a little towards Corey. "So, what do we do now?" April tried to whisper really quietly but loud enough for only Corey to hear.

"Let's just play along until one of us can come up with a good plan. So in the meantime, let's just follow orders and pray that we'll be rescued or have a good plan." Corey whispered back as he placed his hand underneath April's hand and put his fingers around her hand, having a soft and firm grip on her hand. "Okay then." April nodded as she gripped Corey's hand with her fingers wrapping her fingers over his fingers. April always loved Corey's soft hands, but yet, she also has soft hands, so it was comfortable for her.

"In here," Mina instructed as she opened the door and went beside it, holding it open for them. April saw machines and punching bags inside the room. "Where are we?" Corey asked as he looked at the different machines. Mina grinned a little and got out a whip from her belt. "You are going to get strong, no matter how tired or how hurt you'll get, you will get strong and good enough to work," Mina said as she whipped the wall with her long black whip.

"Wait, what do you mean by--OW!!" April was interrupted by Mina whipping her left arm. "That's what I mean, and if you do each exercise wrong, you'll be whipped. Do anything stupid or anything to disobey me, you'll get whipped until you can barely feel my whip whipping your little wimpy bodies are so used to it that you don't even feel it." Mina ordered as she smacked her left hand like a teacher smacking a ruler on their hand. "Now, there are three courses. The first one will be running outside on the tracks, you'll do three laps, it's to test your speed." Mina said as she leads them outside of the room and out onto the track outside. The track was a giant oval.

Corey was a little freaked out by how huge it was because he wasn't always successful in races. So as they got up to the starting line, Mina had three other people coming out to run. "Alright, ready, set....go!" Mina yelled before whistling her whistle. April ran faster than all the others, she was scared though. All her thoughts were on not to die, she's letting fear control her body and speed. So she basically ran like a cheetah. "Woah, look at that girl go." A guy said to Corey. "Yeah, she's really fast," Corey replied, then he saw the guy checking her out.

"Lucas, eyes on the track, not people," Mina told the guy. "Yeah okay," Lucas responded with a nod. Corey got a little peeved by Lucas, so he held a leg out and tripped the guy, then Corey starting to run like he was running from a bunch of bulls.

"You asshole!" The guy yelled as he got really angry, so he ran after Corey like a bull. The other two people were just keeping the pace of their speed. April was already done with 2 laps, she had one more to go. But before April crossed the finish line for her third lap to be over, she noticed a guy on top of Corey, slapping him. "Corey!" April yelled. Mina got up immediately and walked over to the guy that was on top of Corey.

"Break it up you two ladies, and continue with your running, we have no time to waste. And no more fighting." Mina demanded as her grip got tighter on her folded whip. Corey and the guy got up and continued with their lap. April sighed in relief and finished her third lap. "So, do I just wait?" April asked, looking at Mina. "Yeah," Mina said as she stood by April. After the others did all of their laps, they were brought back inside to test their strength on the punching bags.

Lucas was still so mad at Corey that he wanted to punch his face until he bleeds. So he came up to Corey, but when he tried to punch him, Corey already knew what was coming, so he dodged it. But April was behind Corey, so she got punched instead. Corey didn't realize that April was behind him.

"Ow! My face!" April cried as she placed her hands onto her face. "That is it! I said no more fighting and yet here you are, causing more destruction of chaos!" Mina yelled as she got unfolded her whip and her grip on the handle got tighter. Lucas gulped as he tried to run, but she managed to whip his back. Lucas fell and cried in pain. Corey came up to April and pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair.

Mina groaned as she looked over at April because she already knew how much time they were wasting. So she grabbed April's arm and helped her up on her feet. "That's it for today, I got no more time to waste with you fools," Mina stated as she brought all of them into the cell area of the place. "Okay, since most of the cells are somewhat used, we'll just have you three in here," Mina instructed as she pointed at Corey, Lucas, and April.

Corey groaned a lot when he walked into the cell. "Good thing this is a big cell with..two beds!?" Corey exclaimed. "Yeah, sorry for the bed shortage." Mina apologized before taking the other two people to their cell. Lucas grabbed April by the waist pulled her towards him. "You can always sleep with my cupcake." Lucas flirted with a winky face. Corey got super jealous that he got the urge to slap Lucas. "Hey, what was that for!? You got a problem with me trying to flirt?" Lucas asked in irritation.

"Yeah, especially if you're flirting with my girlfriend, you jerk," Corey replied with a straight-up straight look on his face. April blushed when she heard Corey called her his girlfriend, she thought she would be the first to call the shots on whether they're dating or not. "I don't see your name on her." Lucas grinned as he leaned closer to April's cheek.

That got Corey's engine running and his muscles pumping up. He grabbed Lucas the wrist, threw him over his shoulder, when he let go, Lucas landed with his arm hitting the wall. "Ow~!" Lucas groaned in pain as he held his shoulder while laying on the ground. Corey wrapped his arm around April and pulled her closer.

"I swear, if you touch her again, I'll be happy to have your death wish granted." Corey threatened as he tried to look tough with a serious face. April started to blush a little more, she actually liked being protected by Corey. "What's with all the ruckus in here?" One of the guards asked as he came up to the bars. April pointed her finger at Lucas. "He tried to harass me..." April spoke in a clear voice. "I'm sorry but we have this thing called rules. And if you don't follow our rules, then you will have this thing called consequences. But we give you warnings before consequences, and how many have you had today?" The guard explained with a question.
"...This is my second warning today," Lucas answered as he struggled to stand up. "Oh, then you gotta have your consequences then." The guard said as he got out a whip, he unlocked the lock on the bars with his key, as he slid the bars to the right to open them, Lucas backed up immediately. "W-wait, please just wait! Give me an--Ow!!" Lucas was cut off by the whip hitting his arm.

"I'm sorry but rules are rules, and now you get your punishment. You're lucky that I'm not Captain Mina, she would be whipping you like you're some kind of punching bag that is made out of stone." The guard said before whipping Lucas again. "Gah! This is all your fault, Corey!" Lucas roared as he tried to get back up on his feet. "You're going to say pay for-Ow!" Lucas was cut off again by the whip hitting his leg.

The guard put away the whip back onto his belt, then closed and locked the bars. Lucas was just lying on the floor, groaning in pain. "Let's get some sleep," Corey suggested as he looked over at April. "Yeah.." April nodded as she lay down onto the bed on the right side of the cell. She scooted over so Corey can lay down. Corey smiled a little as he laid down on the bed with April. He wrapped his arms around her, cuddling with her like she was a teddy bear.

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