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As Corey was talking to a dispatcher on the phone, Mina saw all three of them. "Caught." Mina grinned, as she got out her whip from her belt. "Please hurry.." Corey whispered into the phone. "I have tracked down your location, police are on their way with S.W.A.T teams coming with." The dispatcher said. "Just stay calm and be careful. Don't end this call please, stay on the line with me." The dispatcher instructed with a calm voice. Mina grabbed April's arm and was about to begin whipping. But before Mina could do anything else, April's elbow punches Mina in her stomach.

"Ow! Big mistake!" Mina groaned in anger as she kept her gripped in her hand on April's arm. April tried to grab the whip, reaching for it. Derek was making sure that Corey stayed safe because he needs to stay on the call with the dispatcher. Otherwise, if he ends the call, the dispatcher won't be able to track the location anymore.

April gulped then she punched Mina in the face, making Mina let go of the whip. April grabbed the whip by its handle and raised it. "Let go of me or feel the pain of your own medicine!" April threatened as she tried to break free out of Mina's grip on her hand. "No, you will all be punished with far worse consequences for being so disobedient!" Mina roared as she grabbed April by her hair, and pulled it towards her. April managed to swing the whip at Mina, whipping her leg before her hair got pulled.

"Gah!" Mina cried, her grip on April's hair got tighter. Then a bright light appeared, shining down on Mina and April. They both looked up to see what it was, it was a helicopter. A man in the passenger seat held up a speakerphone to his lips and pressed the button on the handle to turn it on. "Let go of the girl now!" The man demanded. Canines were barking and searching for them. Then one of the canines found Mina's scent and came running up to her, then the dog bit Mina's leg.

Corey felt really happy to see the police again. He gave the phone back to his father and went up to one of the officers that were walking up to them. The officers also brought a medic with them, so the medic went up to April, noticing the injuries on her. The medic had April sit down, leaning against a tree. Then the medic lady got out supplies from the first aid kit she had with her. 'I am going to need you to tell me what hurts right now" The medic asked before treating April's injuries.

April shook her head and groaned. "I don't want you touching me unless my boyfriend is here with me..." April told the medic. "Where is he?" The medic asked. April pointed over at Corey, who was talking with an officer. "Name?" The medic asked while looking at Corey. "Corey.." April answered. "Corey!" The medic called out. Corey turned around and focused on whoever called his name.

"Over here," April said calling out to Corey. Corey looked at April and the medic. He walked over towards them and kneeled beside April on her left. Then the medic started treating April's injuries. The officer put handcuffs on Mina's wrists. Then a lot of officers that went inside the building, came out with people handcuffed with them. "These are the rest of them." An officer said out loud.

Then people that were held as prisoners, would be running out of the building with pure joy and happiness on their faces. "Freedom!" A guy cheered while running. "You only have minor injuries, nothing major." The medic said before she put up the aid kit and went up to the officers. "I think we did it April.." Corey said, shifting his eyes from the officers over to April.

"I think we did." April nodded in agreement, then Corey leaned in and kissed April's lips gently. April giggled before giving Corey another kiss. They both felt really happy that it was all finally over. Corey helped April up before he embraced her slowly and gently. "Looks like we can be in peace together." April smiled warmly. "Yeah." Corey nodded before kissing April passionately.

As 5 years went by, a little girl named Katie was just walking around in the halls in her big house. She noticed a little ladybug was flying around inside her room. When she waited for it to land, she went up to it slowly. She let the ladybug crawl onto her finger. She went up to her mother, who was in the kitchen, and raised her hand a little to show her mom. "Hey mom, look at what I found," Katie said with a smile. April looked down, focusing her eyes on the ladybug on Katie's finger.

"Looks like a ladybug." April smiled as she kneeled to her daughter. "It's so pretty!" Katie cheered. "Just like you Katie," Corey said standing in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen, looking at his daughter. "Your father is right," April added with a nod. April got back up on her feet, then she looked out in the window. "Maybe's there more outside," April suggested. "Maybe," Katie said as she let the ladybug fly away from her finger.

Katie walked away to play with some of her toys, then Corey came up to April and gave her a gentle hug. "5 years ago, we were in that prison mess. And now 5 years later, we're married and have a four-year-old daughter." Corey said. April nodded before kissing Corey's cheek.

Then three knocks on the door happened, April and Corey looked at the door. Katie went up to the door and opened it with April behind her. It was a tall man in a trenchcoat and a hat on. "Are you Mrs. Noel?" The man asked. "Depends on whose asking," April replied. "I am Mr. Webster, I'm here to tell you that your parents are still alive..." Mr. Webster informed. 

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